Page 28 of Tethered Hearts
“Ican’t believe I’m doing this.” Two weeks after Matt had called Brie to inform her of his decision to follow Christ, she stood in front of the full-length mirror in her bedroom, smoothing over her stomach to quell the butterflies having a party inside. She’d been elated to hear Matt’s news, had shed tears of joy over his decision, and hadn’t stopped giving thanks ever since. Then he’d dropped a bombshell and asked her to accompany him to the presentation gala. Her. Brie Mahoney. When he could ask any woman he wanted, he’d asked her.
Melanie cupped her elbow and held her gaze in the mirror. “It’s going to be fine, okay? He wouldn’t have asked you if he didn’t want you to be there.”
“But I’m a nobody, Mel. There will be famous people there. Journalists. Athletes. People I’ve seen on television.” Her stomach churned with the thought of rubbing shoulders with so many celebrities. All the glitz and glamour. It was a world she’d never stepped foot in before. One she’d never even been near. Her evenings out consisted of a counter meal at the surf club, not a sit-down three-course meal surrounded by the who’s-who of the athletics world.
“But you’re going with Matt Dallimore.” Melanie’s eyes twinkled as a grin broke on her face.
Excitement and trepidation warred within. Part of Brie wanted to jump up and down and scream with excitement. The other part wanted to run and hide. What would people say about her? Surely they would be wondering why on earth Matt invited her.
“Besides, you look absolutely gorgeous.” Melanie straightened the spaghetti strap of the ivory coloured evening gown. “I’m almost tempted to ask you to wear this dress for my wedding. Perhaps if it was a different colour I would.”
Brie eyed the stunning floor-length gown that clung to her torso and flared slightly below her waist. She was used to wearing shorts or capris, not anything so beautiful or elegant. Her dark hair fell in waves just below her shoulders. Her makeup was subtle, but Melanie had convinced her to add a little sparkle over her eyelids. “You don’t think it’s too revealing?” She tugged at the bodice, wriggling around to reposition it. She wasn’t one to wear such fitted clothes and it suddenly felt like everything was on display, even though she was well and truly covered. The dress was remarkably modest compared to many she would no doubt see throughout the evening.
“Not at all. It’s absolutely perfect.”
“Why did I even agree to this?” She flapped both hands in front of her face in an attempt to create some airflow to cool her heated cheeks.
“Because Matt asked you to go. He wants you there.”
“He only asked to keep his aunt off his back. He admitted as much to me.”
“Honey, I doubt it. Look at you.”
Brie swung around to face her friend, the skirt of the dress whooshing with the movement. She fluffed out the material so it wouldn’t twist around her legs and trip her over. “His exact words were,I’ve agreed to go to the awards night, but only if you’ll go with me to keep Aunt Helen off my back.”She was tempted to poke her tongue out to prove her point.
Melanie plopped onto the edge of Brie’s bed and crossed her legs. “Well, whatever the reason, you’re still going with him. This is so exciting, Brie! Don’t overthink it. Take it for what it is. All that free food and entertainment in the company of a handsome man.”
“It’s easy for you to say, Mel. You’re used to the fancy dinners that you attend with the doctors and hospital executives.”
“Uh-uh. I feel so out of place at those. Some of the medical staff are so pompous. It’s really not my scene at all.”
“You’re not helping.”
Melanie sighed. “Sorry. If it’s any consolation, it helps me to remember that at the end of the day, they’re just people like you and me.” She reached for Brie’s hand, tugging her down next to her. “Don’t overthink it. It’ll be a fun night, and just think of the story you’ll be able to share in years to come.”
Brie rested her head on her friend’s shoulder and eyed their image reflecting back at them in the mirror. She was grateful for Melanie’s friendship and loyalty. She’d been by her side through the ups and downs of her diagnosis and treatment, and Brie had walked alongside Melanie through her journey of infertility. They’d seen each other at their best and at their worst. Had shed tears together, offered words of wisdom, and had prayed together. And now, her best friend was right, of course. One day she’d be able to tell her children that she was invited to the State Athletics Awards Gala, and she’d been the date of an Olympic athlete. It was an incredible thought.
But first, she actually needed to get through the night without being sick or making a fool of herself.