Page 8 of Half of My Heart
“Read the article, Cal,” Philip instructs quietly. I scroll back up to the start of the article and close my eyes, trying to give myself a moment before continuing.
“Cal, is everything okay?” I hear Bridget’s voice before opening my eyes to acknowledge her. I shake my head no before my gaze reverts to the article.
Cal Harrington Is A Deadbeat Dad!
The British Gentleman refuses to take care of his own daughter.
Seems like The British Gentleman is not so gentlemanly after all. The Hollywood A-Lister is apparently a daddy, having a child with American event planner Jenna Pruitt. The two met over four years ago on a business trip to Las Vegas where they had a weeklong tryst. According to our anonymous source, Jenna discovered she was pregnant three months later and when she told the British heartthrob of her news, he told her he wanted nothing to do with her or the baby.
“Cal Harrington not only refused to financially take care of his daughter, but he won’t even see her,” our source has confirmed.
Ms. Pruitt has been raising their daughter all by herself while being one of the most sought-after event planners in Chicago. So why is this scandalous news suddenly seeing the light of day now?
“It’s time the world knows what Cal Harrington is really like.”
“What the bloody hell is this, Cal? This can’t be true!” Bridget whispers next to my ear. I didn’t even realize she walked around me to read over my shoulder.
“I don’t know what this is, but I do know that I was never told I had a child, nor would I ever fucking say any of those things.” I’m shell-shocked and momentarily speechless because I don’t want to believe this is true.
This can’t fucking be true.
Jenna wouldn’t keep something this big from me. She’s not evil or conniving. I would’ve seen if she was. She isn’t capable of this kind of deceit.
Is she?
My whole world just spun off its axis and I can’t even think straight.
My sister, sensing my despair and struggle to regain some sort of control, grabs my phone out of my hand, places it on the desk and hits the speakerphone button. “Philip, what do we do? These are some serious allegations.”
“Cal, can any of this be true?” Philip asks again and I start to shake my head as if he can physically see me.
“We used protection the whole time.”
“Condoms can break, Cal.”
“I know this, but she told me she couldn’t get pregnant. Something about an abnormal uterus.”
“Miracles can happen every day, Cal. There are plenty of women who’ve been told that by their doctors and then they get pregnant,” Bridget informs me gently.
“I think she lied. She made it up in hopes you would stop using condoms so she could trap you,” Philip concludes, causing me to shake my head again in denial. I can’t believe Jenna would lie about that. Irefuseto believe it.
“No, she wouldn’t deceive me like that.”
“Cal, for the millionth fucking time, you barely knew this girl!” Philip sneers in annoyance, frustrated that he has to remind me once again that I don't really know Jenna as well as I think I do. “You don’t know what ulterior motives she may have had.”
“If that’s true, why would she wait until now?”
“Either her business is not as successful as it seems, and she needs money or just the opposite. Her business is so successful that she sees this as another opportunity to make more money by being associated with you.” His reasoning makes me sick, especially because they’re valid arguments as to what her motives would be for revealing this now. “You’re at the height of your career, Cal. You’re making twenty million dollars per film. This would be the perfect opportunity for a scandal like this to come forward.”
“No!” I shout, slamming my palms down on the desk with such force that everything on it rattles. I stand up and start to pace again, refusing to believe that Jenna is capable of what Philip is insinuating.
Even though there might be some truth to his words.
“What’s going on in here?” My father questions from the doorway. I look up to see the rest of my family standing behind him, concern written all over their faces. Bridget shakes her head at him, giving them a silent warning to stay quiet.
“Why wouldn’t she try to contact me privately?” I question, my glimmer of hope fading as time goes on.
“Because she’ll get the outcome she’s hoping for if she makes it a public scandal for you.” I close my eyes as Philip’s words sink in. Doubt slowly slides into my brain like fog rolling in, hazing my judgment and leaving me cold with bitterness.