Page 9 of Half of My Heart
“I suggest you don’t respond to these allegations yet until we have some more facts,” Thomas advises, breaking his silence. I nod my head in agreement because the thought of making a statement right now without knowing the truth would be a stupid mistake. I squeeze my eyes to clear my thoughts and will myself to come up with a game plan.
“I agree with Thomas. Let’s keep quiet for right now. Philip, I need you to get me in touch with the best family attorney in Chicagotonight.Secure a phone call with them—I don’t care what time of the night it is. It must be done within the next couple of hours.”
“Not a problem, Cal. I know plenty of lawyers here in California that would know someone there.”
“Then I need you to secure a plane for me. I want to be in Chicago by tomorrow and have this lawyer meet up with me right away. I want them to lay out all my options if a paternity test concludes she’s mine.”
“Thomas, can you be available to meet with me after my meeting with the lawyer?” I ask, switching the subject now to him.
“Absolutely, just let me know what time your meeting is and I’ll be available.”
“Excellent. In the meantime, keep following Jenna and securing as much information as you can. I want to know about all the people who are in her everyday life and what her daily routine is.”
“Not a problem, Mr. Harrington.”
I hang up with Thomas and look over at my family in a daze of confusion as to how my life just changed in a blink of an eye.
“What is your plan after meeting with Thomas, Cal?” Bridget asks gently.
“It will be time to find Jenna and learn the truth.”