Page 61 of Perfect Guy
“Wow,” I take in the panorama.
“Right? It’s so peaceful.” She sighs.
We lean against the wall of the cave, looking out for a few quiet minutes.
“How was work last night?” Madelyn breaks the silence.
“It was a rough one, but I’m okay,” I assure her. I assume she’s asking because of my comment earlier about the accident.
“Are you sure?” She reaches for my hand, lacing our fingers together.
“Yeah.” I hate the nights we get calls about serious accidents. It always puts me on edge, questioning how good I am if I can’t help the people who are in trouble. I know it’s part of the job, but it affects me.
“Good,” she nods, stepping closer to me.
Her body becomes flush with mine as the rock wall behind me supports us. Madelyn kisses me tentatively at first. Her soft lips explore mine before her tongue traces my lips and pushes into the seam. I open for her, holding her against me, and kissing her back. We’re measured until need fills us.
The kiss becomes desperate, hands roaming each other’s bodies, teeth clashing and nipping. As much as I’d like to have her right now, I don’t want to have sex in a cave. It’s tempting, but I want her to know she’s more to me than that.
“Babe…” I groan, pulling away. We kiss a few more times until I will myself to get some self-control. My dick’s harder than the rocks forming this cave, but she’s too important.
Our chests rise and fall, our breathing heavy. Madelyn’s eyes are glassy with need, and I take a stabling breath before I tear her shorts down and taste her.
“I don’t want you to think this is all I want from you. I like you a lot. As much as I love your body and the way you make me feel, I like your brain, too. It’s just as sexy.” I cup her cheek. She leans into my touch with a soft smile.
“I feel the same way. I guess I lose control around you.” Her lips press together. My eyes flick from her lips to her eyes.
“Same thing happens to me. But you’re more to me than that.”
“Yeah?” She smiles.
“Of course,” I furrow my brows.
“What am I?” She trails a finger across my smooth face. In a day, I’ll have my stubble back until the next time I shave for my volunteer work.
“You’re the woman who’s taken over my thoughts. The woman I want to spend every waking hour with. I can’t get enough of you. I catch myself thinking about you randomly, wondering what you’re doing. I crave your time and attention.”
The smile she gives me makes my heart stop beating. It’s stunning.
“I think about you constantly, too. When it’s your weekend to be at the station, I worry about your safety and pray you’re okay. When I see you at work, I can’t help but admire you. I love that we have our jobs in common, though if we didn’t, I know we’d still have a lot of other things we could relate to.” She leans into me.
I kiss her softly. I’m certain she was meant for me, and I’m kicking myself for taking so long to realize that.
“I agree.” I look into her baby blues, shining brightly.
“Oliver’s right. You’re my girlfriend. You know that, right? I’m not seeing, thinking, or wanting anyone else.” My thumb gently strokes her cheek.
“You’re all I want.” She presses her lips to mine, a lazy kiss consuming us.
We’re in no hurry, and this is all I need from her. I could kiss her for hours and die a happy man. Madelyn is all I need in any way I can have her.
I never want to take this for granted.