Page 114 of Empire of Ash
“Oh, I wouldn’t bet on that.”
Noel frowns, dropping his gaze to his watch.
I look on in puzzlement as he reaches for a remote and turns on the huge flatscreen across the room to the BBC. The shot switches from a studio personality to a live stream of a press podium, with Martin Tomilson standing behind it.
Otherwise known as the Assistant Attorney General for the entire UK.
I blink. “Wait, I don’t—”
“Just watch.”
Mr. Tomilson clears his throat as he leans into the array of microphones.
“I’ll make this brief, with limited questions to follow. As of half an hour ago, Her Majesty’s Crown has decided to drop all investigations and criminal charges into Ella Ransom, née Ashford. Our investigation was based on evidence and facts that have been proven to be both not only false but maliciously constructed. As such, again, all charges in this matter are summarily dismissed. And the Crown would like to issue a formal apology to Mrs. Ransom, especially in light of the regrettable media leak from within our own. Thank you, and I will now field limited questions. Yes, Marcus?”
My mouth is hanging open. I stare at the TV, but it goes numb as I just blink at it.
“I…” I slowly turn to Noel. “I don’t understand.”
His brow raises.
“Ella, you’re a very clever girl. I think you do.”
I stare at him.
“What did you do?” I breathe
“What was necessary.”
I swallow. “Wait, did youbribe—”
“No,” he grunts. “I…”
“I clarified certain realities of both my ongoing financial contributions to the law enforcement system, as well as the utterly flimsy nature of the so-called evidence they were clinging to. Also, if you know anyone qualified, I have it on good authority that the Crown is looking to fill five freshly vacated positions.”
I slowly shake my head as the smile creeps over my face.
“I don’t know how you do what you do, but…” I bite my lip as I step into him, my hands going to his firm chest.
“Thank you.”
“You’re my wife, Ella,” he rumbles quietly, leaning close and brushing my lips with his thumb, making me shiver.
His darkens.
“This was Prince, you know,” he growls quietly. “He weaponized your anger and grief in order to secure your vote at that first meeting. He knew those lies would crumble, which would only make our front stronger. So his next obvious move was to remove you from the equation.”
I blanch.
“He can’t… I mean, he’s not that cartoonishly evil, is he? I mean, you were friends. He andmy fatherwere friends.”
Noel looks down, his brow furrowed deeply.
“People change, Ella.”