Page 116 of Empire of Ash
“You’re sure?”
Harry groans into the phone.
“El, are you joking? I haven’t seen you in fucking weeks.”
I make a face.
“I know, and I’mso—”
“If you fucking apologize to me, you definitely can’t come visit.”
I grin.
“We’ve been fine, I promise you. Gus and Jack and all the other regulars miss you, but it’s been slowish anyway. Miles picked up some extra shifts, and I covered the rest.”
I start to open my mouth, but she blunders on.
“Andanyway, it doesn’t bloody matter, because your health and well-being matter more than some fucking pub shifts, yeah?”
My grin widens.
“I missed you, Harry.”
She laughs. “Missed you, too. Oh, and you’re a bloody celebrity around here now after that press conference with the assistant AG. Gus has a signup on the wall, looking for votes for you to be Prime Minister.”
I giggle. “I’ll be there soon. Can’t wait to catch up with you.”
“I’ll have a whiskey waiting with your name on it.”
When I hang up, I get off the sofa in the library and wander through the house. I find Noel in his study, glaring at his laptop screen like it’s just insulted his grandmother.
“Hey,” I murmur, grinning as I walk over and sit on the edge of his desk.
“Liam’s going with you.”
I stare, my mouth falling open.
“How—” My eyes narrow. “I swear to God, if you have my phone bugged...”
He smirks, turning his chair to face me.
“I’m not spying on you, Ella. I’m just good at reading situations and people. You especially.”
I purse my lips.
“We’ve been back from France for a day. You haven’t seen your good friend the barmaid—”
“Watch it.”
He grins. “You haven’t seenHarrietfor a few weeks. Also, I could hear you laughing in the library from here, and I know she’s good at making you laugh. So, when you walk in here wearing that skirt, flashing me that seductive smile—”
I balk.
“Okay, first of all, you picked this skirt.”
“I did. And you look stunning in it.”