Page 12 of Empire of Ash
“A fire poker, that’s what.”
Harry’s face is deadly grim, and absolutely serious.
“A red hot one. Right up his fucking ass.”
In spite of the nauseating feeling of helplessness, pain, and anger that swirls in the pit of my stomach, I grin at her as she paces her living room.
“That motherfucker!” she snaps, red hair wild around her face as she turns to stab her gaze into me.
“I’m not joking, El. I’m going to fucking murder that smug piece of shit.”
My grin widens, even as a tear trickles down my cheek.
“Thank you.”
“You can thank me after I’ve stuffed his body into a drum of acid. Straight up Breaking Bad style.”
I choke out a broken laugh as I wipe a tear away.
“I mean for being you, for being so wonderful when I just show up—”
My words garble as my throat closes. I look away, wiping hot tears onto my cheek as I feel her rush into me. She wraps her arms around me, hugging me close. When she pulls back after a minute, she drops her gaze to the mug of tea in my hand that she made when I first showed up all hitched breath and puffy eyes.
“Yeah, this won’t do.”
She plucks it from my hand barrels off into the kitchen. A second later, she walks back out with two glasses of what looks like whiskey.
I smile wryly as I take one from her hand and bring it to my lips, sipping it.
“Oh no-no-no,” she shakes her head. “No, this is not sipping whiskey. This is medicine that needs to go right down the hatch, right now.”
She uses two fingers underneath the glass in my hand to push it towards my face again. I giggle before I bring it the rest of the way and tilt it back.
“Yep, down ye go.”
I choke, eyes watering as I swallow the full shot. Harry grins as she knocks hers back as well, clinking her empty glass to mine.
“Okay, okay, so, what do you need now?”
I wrinkle my nose. “Notanother of those.”
She laughs.
“No, I mean, do you want commiserating? My plot to smuggle you out of the country? My better plot to slowly and painfully neuter and murder Noel, in that order?”
I grin.
“Personally, I’m leaning heavily towards door number three, but the choice is all yours, El.”
I sigh, shaking my head as my gaze drops to my feet. Harry plops down on the sofa next to me, putting an arm around my shoulders as I lean my head against hers.
“How can they possibly charge you with this utter shit all these years later?”
“There’s no statute of limitations for murder, or arson,” I mumble.
“Yeah, but how the actual fuck can they even consider you a suspect?”