Page 13 of Empire of Ash
Someone is obviously using you to get to me. Prince, maybe.
I shiver.Issomeone trying to hurt Noel, by coming after me? I want to sneer that it’s just his massive ego sucking this issue into his orbit, but Harry has a point: why on earth else would I suddenly be charged with this seven years later? What changed?
You married Noel Ransom, that’s what.
I swallow thickly, chewing at my lip.
“Noel thinks it might—”
“Ohfuckthat wanking piece of shit,” she spits, hugging me tighter.
I smile wryly, loving her fury.
“It was probablyhim, all butt-hurt because you didn’t vote like he wanted you to at that fucking meeting.”
I close my eyes. That would be the easy answer, of course. But I don’t think it is. Even if I hate him, even if I think he’s a monster… I don’t get the sense that my being arrested was under Noel’s direction at all.
Which does beg the very obvious question of the hour: then why? And by who’s direction?
I shake my head. “I don’t think so. He seemed genuinely surprised when they arrested me, and he barged into the interrogation room with his hot-shot lawyer ready to bust me right out.”
Harry pulls back, making a face.
“You’re not going to letNoel’slawyer represent you, are you?”
My face scrunches up.
“No. God no.”
My shoulders sag.
“But the court-appointed one was an actual clown. He’ll get chargesaddedto what I’m facing if I use him in court.”
Harry frowns. “I know a decent one.”
“Are they cheap?”
She turns to me, lips twisting.
“She’s not Noel’s corporate lawyer expensive, but…”
I groan.
“I’ll help you cover it.”
I shake my head. “No, Harry, I—”
“El?” she snaps. “Swallow yourfuckingpride and take some help from someone who loves you when you need it, okay?”
My lips curl.
“And if you’re that bent out of shape about it, I’ll garnish your fucking paychecks or something. Let me at least put you in touch with her. She may even take you on for free, given the press that’ll be all over this once word gets out.”
I groan. Fuck. I hadn’t even thought about that.
“Do you think the media will get ahold of this?”
She makes a face, taking my hands in hers.