Page 150 of Empire of Ash
“I want to talk to him,” I hiss. “I want to know fuckingeverything.”
My eyes narrow to slits.
Specifically, I want to know here and now if he acted alone, or under orders. Because until I hear that, and know it’s the truth, Prince firing him meansfuck all.
Liam frowns.
“He’s, uh, gonna have a hard time responding to anything besides yes or no questions.”
“Why is that?”
He clears his throat.
“Probably because I accidentally broke his jaw.”
My eyesimmediately land on the sniveling, bloodied piece of shit chained to a chair when we step inside the small warehouse office. One of his eyes is half-swollen shut, and there’s a makeshift bandage wrapped around his head. But even that can’t hide the horribly disfigured state of the left side of his face.
He’s not even going to be eating without a straw for the next two months, let alone talking to me right now.
Liam nods to his guys. They may be implicitly trustworthy—they wouldn’t be working under Liam if they weren’t. But still.
No one but Liam and I need to be here for what’s about to happen.
The two of them nod stiffly at me, and then quickly file out, shutting the door behind them. My eyes swivel back to Jon, narrowing lethally on him as he trembles.
“My apologies for the jaw,” Liam mutters. “But the cunt tried to swing that at me.”
He nods to a mean looking metal baton, like a hardcore version of a constable’s truncheon, lying on the table against the wall. Liam shrugs, clearing his throat.
“When I deflected, muscle memory took over, and I carried his swing back against himself. Popped that jaw clean in two, I think.”
Jon moans pathetically in the chair. My lips curl savagely as I step towards him, seething as he shrinks away from me.
“Mr. Karzony,” I growl thickly, looming over him.
“I’m aware you’re not able to talk. But I’m going to ask you yes or no questions, and you’re going to answer them truthfully. Because if you don’t, or if I think you’re lying to me?”
I smile thinly.
“Believe me, you won’t even feel that jaw after I’m done with you.”
Jon whimpers, looking terrified.
My eyes narrow.
If it turns out Liam’s hunch is right, Jon Karzony doesn’t evenknowthe meaning of fear yet.
“Were you trying to plant a bomb in my offices tonight.”
He swallows, groaning at the pain.
“Answer my fucking question,Jon,” I hiss.
He whimpers, nodding quickly.
“Were you planning on killing me?”