Page 4 of A Little Safe At Home
Chapter 2
Katie started to fight in earnest because she was angry and frustrated. She didn't care if Rose wanted to hear her out or not, she had something to say. Rearing up, she yelled, "I asked when I thought you were gonna be here!"
"Well, here I am," Rose informed her unnecessarily. "Since when does my not being here negate the fact that I am in charge and you are not?"
Rose was right. Katie hated when she was right. It happened way too often for her liking.
"Since when does my not being here give you permission to completely disrespect me?"
Katie gritted her teeth. It seemed like the more Rose spoke, the harder she was spanking. Katie didn't want to fuel the fire any more than she already had.
"What's wrong? No more to say?" Rose moved to her sit-spots.
Katie's emotions were almost as hot as her bottom and she didn't trust the words that might come out of her mouth if she let them fly, so she shook her head quickly.
"Oh good, maybe I'm getting through, then."
Rose's focus on that tender crease where butt meets thigh was becoming too much and Katie tried again to push off her lap. Kicking her feet, she twisted her body violently and succeeded in breaking Rose's hold. Unfortunately, she also sent herself flying off Rose's lap and onto the wooden floor.
Landing with a thud, she tried not to cry out as she scrambled to her knees and crawled away.
"What on earth? Where do you think you’re going?" Rose immediately went after her, catching up in two quick strides and grabbing Katie by the ear.
"Ow ow ow!" Katie whined as Rose used the hold on her ear to force her to her feet. "Let gooooo," Katie pleaded but Rose didn't stop tugging even as she brought Katie all the way onto her tippy-toes.
"No, I will not let go. What has gotten into you? You could have hurt yourself falling off the couch like that."
"Butyouwere hurting me!" Katie protested, trying anything to reduce the pressure on her ear. "Stop! You're gonna pull it off!"
"I'm not going to pull it off, little drama queen. Calm down." Rose rolled her eyes, but she did at least stop pulling a little bit.
"You're hurting me." Katie pouted, trying to get some sympathy.
"Punishments hurt. Deal with it or don't be naughty. Since you needed a break from being spanked, why don't you take this and go to the corner and think about what comes next?" Rose handed her the evil wooden spoon of doom.
"I don't want to hold it." Katie crossed her arms over her chest.
"Okay, I'll hold it then." Rose tugged her back over to the corner. "Let me know when you're ready to obey."
Katie took a deep breath when Rose let go of her ear, thinking she would get a second to get herself under control. That thought flew right out the window when Rose started spanking her again, but this time she used the spoon.
"If I'm going to hold this I might as well put it to good use," Rose mused with way too much happiness for Katie's liking.
"Owie! Auntie stop! Okay I'll hold it. I'll hold it!" Katie reached back to stop the onslaught but Rose was spanking her thighs again, giving two hard whacks to each side before stopping and holding the spoon out to Katie.
"I knew you'd see it my way." Rose winked.
"You're mean." Katie pouted, taking the spoon.
"Best you remember that."
Katie rested her forehead against the corner and closed her eyes. She needed to get a hold of herself. Taking a couple of calming breaths, she tried to focus and figure out where this had all come from. She wasn't really a bad girl, but she was acting like one. Sure, she had a naughty streak, but mostly she really liked her Tops to be pleased with her. When she felt this out of control, usually something was going on.
Her shoulders sagged and the fight drained from her.
"Good girl," Rose cooed. "Now come here please."
"I'm not a good girl." Katie pouted as she turned and approached Rose.