Page 5 of A Little Safe At Home
"Oh, baby girl." Rose chuckled. "You'll always be my good girl. Spoon please." She held up her hand expectantly and Katie plopped the evil wooden implement into her palm. "Tell me what's in your brain, sweetie."
"I don't want any more spankins'."
"Yes, I'm sure you don't, but that's not what I asked now, is it?"
"I don't wanna talk 'bout my brain."
Rose sat quietly while Katie studied her toes, praying they could just get the night over with.
After another moment, Rose sighed. "Okay then, we will let my spoon do the talking and see if we can't settle that brain of yours."
Katie took a tiny step backwards, but Rose had already reached for her and caught her wrist before she could go anywhere.
"No more running, little girl," she scolded and tugged Katie over her lap. "Let's get you all nice and snug so there's no more wiggling away. Naughty little girls do not get to decide when their spankings are over by flinging themselves on the floor. That's just ridiculous."
Rose tucked Katie tight to her side, wrapped an arm around her waist and pinned her legs between her own. Katie wasn't going to be able to get away this time and the realization made her stomach do a little nervous dance inside of her. This was not going to be easy and Rose was determined. A huge neon sign flashing the word"Danger"entered her mind.
She rushed out some apologies to try to assuage the woman with the spoon. "I'm really sorry for being so naughty, Auntie. I promise I won't be so disrespectful and disobedient..."
Rose laid the cool wood on the middle of her bottom, rubbing in small circles.
"Uh." Katie's head was muddled with nerves as she tried to finish her apology. " disrespectful and disobedient. I promise to do my paperwork and that whole list before I even think about my show again and I won't whine about it. Not even once."
Rose chuckled. "Are you done?"
"Have I told you how pretty you look tonight?" Katie threw out her one last-ditch effort knowing it was futile. She hoped it would at least earn her a couple less smacks.
"Aww thanks, sweetie. Your apologies, promises and flattery are fueling my bossy soul, but, unfortunately it's going to do nothing to save your naughty little bottom. On the contrary, actually. Settle in, little one, we're going to be here a while."
Katie whimpered and tested Rose's hold with a little wiggle. She couldn't move. She was screwed.
"Your bottom is nice and pink and warm; too bad you were so naughty and I have to turn it a fiery bright red." Rose sighed like this was a chore for her.
Katie rolled her eyes so hard it hurt. Rose loved to spank and she didn't hide that fact in the slightest.
"I could hear that eye roll, little girl."
"What?" Katie squealed, but the only answer she got was a fast and hard flurry of smacks to the roundest part of her bottom.
"Being rude while you're in this position is not advised."
Rose's only response was another attack of the killer spoon. Katie yelped and squealed and fought, but no amount of begging or pleading could get Rose to stop or even slow down. The pain was increasing and Katie's fight was fleeing. It'd been a long day and she was exhausted before all of this had even started. Finally she gave up completely, sagged over Rose's knee and began to cry.
"There we go, little one," Rose cooed, continuing the spanking. "Let it all out."
"It's not fair," Katie sobbed. "I worked so hard and no one even cares."
Rose stopped spanking then and laid the spoon across Katie's throbbing backside.
"No one cares about what sweetie?" She rubbed Katie's back comfortingly but still kept her in position.
"I cleaned everything from the floor to the ceiling and it looks so pretty and Daddy doesn't care and you don't care and no one cares. Why am I the only one who cares if the house is clean?" She hiccupped and wiped her face on the sleeve of her shirt.
Rose unpinned her legs and guided her into a sitting position. "Here, little one, blow." She held a tissue to Katie's face. "I can only speak for myself in this scenario, but I told you I was proud of you."
"But it doesn't matter because I'm still in trouble." Katie let Rose help her clean up her face.