Page 52 of Not Even Close
“Yeah, haven’t changed them in a while,” he said as casually as he could. “Kind of rude for you to have to smell my stank ass sheets.”
To his relief she laughed. “Stank ass? They look fine to me. I don’t change mine very often and they never stink.”
“Yeah, well I’m a grown ass man with male sweat glands and you’re delicate little thing who probably never evenperspires. I’m sure there’s a huge difference in the smell of our hampers.”
Once again, Byron was grateful for her jovial demeanor because she laughed at that too. He’d already dodged one bullet. Last thing he needed was to have her detect the smell of Irma’s perfume or anything else on his sheets. He wasn’t taking any chances.
Pulling the comforter and blanket off he threw them on the floor. Savannah walked around the bed while he began to pull on the sheet, as if to help him take it off on the other side. He tugged the sheet, and something flew off and bounced by Savannah’s feet.
Nearly freezing in place, he watched as she looked around to see where it ended up. Because it was solid enough to bounce and clink on the floor, Byron was hopeful it was some kind of coin or button. Anything was better than women’s undergarments.
Continuing to pull the fitted sheet off trying not to look as nervous as this made him, he worked on getting the clean one on before he glanced up as she bent over to pick up whatever it was. The moment he saw it in between her fingers his breath caught.
She examined it silently for a second before glancing up at him, her delicate little brow arching ever so slightly.
“Woman’s earring.”
Standing there like an idiot he stared at it avoiding looking her in the eyes for as long as he could. Because try as he might, even as his panicking head raced for a proper response, nothing, he had nothing.