Page 53 of Not Even Close

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Page 53 of Not Even Close


Strike Two


If it’d been a simple diamond stud, Vannah might be able to give him the benefit of the doubt that it was his. Even if he’d never mentioned wearing an earring, she’d never seen one on him, nor had she noticed either of his ears being pierced. There could still be a reason why he had one. But even if he had a piercing somewhere else, this was clearly a woman’s teardrop earring. An expensive one if it was real. Not that it mattered, but as far as Vannah could tell it looked absolutely real.

Reminding herself of how steadfast he’d been about being completely honest and explaining about the girl who showed up, Vannah did her best to not overreact to this.

“You said it’s been a while,” she said as he stared at her blankly, shaking his head ever so slightly. Clearly, he didn’t pick up on theouther pathetic ass was giving him, so she clarified. “A while since you’ve changed your sheets.”

“I have. It has. I-I mean yeah.” He shook his head adamantly then shrugged dropping the sheet he’d been clutching. “I don’t even remember how long it’s been, actually. It’s why I wanted to change them.”

Not sure how to respond to that, or how she felt about it, Vannah took in the earring again. Byron had already been adamant, that while he didn’t have time for a serious relationship and he was perfectly okay with her wanting to focus on school, he wasnotokay with an open, whatever-kind-of-relationship, this was. She’d seen the genuine dread in his eyes when he thought she might leave angry and hurt tonight and she was seeing it again now. What kind of guy agrees to having dinner with the family of a girl he’s known just a week and only datedonetime, unless his interest in her was sincere,right? Obviously, the man had a past and that was to be expected. They’d only officially known each other just over a week, and the subject of exclusivity hadn’t even been brought up until now. But he’d promised her more than once now, without her ever asking for it, that he’d be seeingjusther as long as she returned the favor. So, she wouldn’t—shouldn’thold something like this against him. It just wouldn’t be fair.

“Looks and feels expensive.” She glanced away from him as she set it down on his nightstand and closed her eyes hoping to God, her delusional and hopeful ass wasn’t being taken by this guy. The possibility that she was—for a second time in one night—was just too real.“Might wanna give it back if you know—”

Feeling his arms around her suddenly from behind startled her and she gasped. “I’m a fucking idiot.” He kissed her temple as his strong arms embraced her around the waist and he went on sounding almost desperate. “I wasn’t expecting this, Savannah. Wasn’t expectingyouto barrel into my life so unexpectedly and change the way I feel about so much this insanely fast.” His embrace tightened when she noticeably tensed, and she felt the warmth of his mouth against her ear. “But I swear to you I’m all in uh . . . just like we agreed, that is. I’ve just never done this, okay? I wasn’t prepared and never cared enough to be. I’ll work harder at making sure you never feel disrespected again and I promise you this much, I sure as fuckwon’thurt you. You have to believe that.”

Vannah turned around and touched his face as he loosened his hold on her. “I do.”

His expression softened just slightly but that intensity she and Xochitl had noticed even before meeting him was a palpable one. She’d seen it earlier during the confrontation between him and her brother—the bulging vein on the side of his head just above eye level. She’d noticed it but was understandably distracted with everything else going on to give it much thought then. Now she caressed it softly with the back of two fingers. As with everything else about him there was no denying what he was feeling. It screamed in-your-face, I-couldn’t-hide-it-if-I-tried, candor.

She glanced up at him and their eyes locked, as his searched hers anxiously. “I feel a little . . . naïve and it scares me.” Clearing her throat, she went on. “I don’t know what it is about you.” She tilted her head almost afraid to say it. “But I’ve believed everything you’ve said to me so far.” Playfully pouting as his expression eased up a little more, she added what she knew would have him feeling bad again. But it was the truth and she wanted to be as open with him, as he was being with her. “Even that text you sent yesterday.”

He let his head fall back in obvious regret, though he pulled her against him firmly. Vannah went on quickly before he could start kicking himself about it again. “I get it, Byron. I really do. Not sure how I would’ve reacted if I’d seen you with someone else like youthoughtyou’d seen me, but I know that despite it only being a week since you first kissed me, it would’ve felt like a kick in the gut.” She smirked, keeping to herselfjustwhat a kick in the gut his text alone had felt like. “Just like Xochitl and I dissected that awful text, I’m sure I would’ve needed her to help me come up with how to respond to anything from you after watching yousuck facewith another girl.”

His anxious eyes continued to search hers in such a concerned way she knew couldn’t possibly be something he was faking. “Why?” he asked as Vannah peered at him in question, so he went on quickly. “Why do you feel naïve? I mean I know we haven’t known each other long and I know what happened at the gym with your brother is what led to your father asking me to join you guys for dinner on a whim. But I could’ve easily said no. You know that, right? As intimidating a man as he is, and as awkward as the situation was, I still could’ve lied and said I had to work or already had plans. In fact, I’m sure I would’ve, had this been anyone else. I wouldn’t have put myself through all that just for the sake of trying to get lucky with a chick. You believe that, don’t you?”

Vannah nodded, not sure if she believed him entirely. Not that she thought him a liar, but a part of her was still scared to believe it all. That horrible feeling of her gut bottoming out yesterday when she’d read that text he sent, was still just too raw. As upsetting as it’d been, she’d been equally pissed that she’d gotten so ahead of herself this quickly. While her heart wanted nothing more than to believe everything his words and penetrating eyes were conveying, her head was begging her to proceed cautiously.

“I do. But you’re right, Byron.” She pressed her lips together to give herself a second to choose her words wisely. “I may be young and not have a whole lot of experience when it comes to this stuff, but I know enough to get that this is something that really did just comebarrelinginto both our lives.” She laughed nervously. “I mean after just one week you’ve already met my entire immediate family and you don’t know the half of it when it comes to them. Me and Nenaandmy mom have had entire conversations about all the possible scenarios of what it’d be like the day one of us finally brought someone home to daddy and our brothers.”

Byron’s expression eased into a smirk as his brows arched. “You mean the big, sweet teddy bear and his equally sweet and ready-to-pounce cubs?”

Vannah laughed nudging his chest playfully. “It really was a lot less painless than all the scenarios my sister and I have imagined over the years, you know. Overall, I’d say you meeting my family went pretty smoothly.”

His eyes going wide and jaw dropping was enough to have her giggling again, but then he added. “You mean me getting in your sister’s face, your brother and I nearly going to blows, and that being your parents’ first impression of me is what you call smooth?”

Of course, this had Vannah cracking up again and she was glad for the relief in the tension, but she gathered herself to explain. “Alright, that first part could’ve been totally avoided, and I take complete responsibility for it. But I meant dinner with my family went smooth. Don’t you agree?”

“Yeah, it did actually,” Byron said tightening his embrace on her a little roughly, but she smiled beyond relieved for his lighter mood. “For a minute there until after when the big, sweetteddy bearthreatened my ass.” She laughed even as he let her go and got back to working on getting clean sheets on his bed again. “Can we just forget about all that and catch up on what we missed out on all week?”

Swallowing hard, Vannah wondered how and why things seemed to change and move so rapidly between them. Like their connection had progressed leaps and bounds in a matter of just one week, her head was already completely rethinking something she’d been so sure of less than an hour ago. When she jumped into Byron’s arms earlier, and he carried her up the stairs like her knight in shining armor, she’d been so ready to move this along even further. She’d been so impressed by his honesty and willingness to wear his heart on his sleeve. No matter how out there his frantic explanations of both Irma and the earring in his bed had made him appear.

But despite all that, or maybe it was because of it, everything she’d felt today and yesterday had been an eyeopener. Vannah wondered if the smarter thing to do wasn’t for her to take a step back. At the very least slow things down until she knew for sure she was ready to take such a chance with him. Already she knew just how weak and easily she’d be ready to believe and forgive Byron for any misunderstandings and she hadn’t even slept with him yet. Even more important, she’d also gotten a feel of what she’d be in for if he ever did hurt her.


Vannah glanced up at Byron, surprised she’d zoned out long enough that he was done replacing his sheets and pillowcases.

“Lost you there for a moment,” he said smiling softly then motioned to the bed. “This doesn’t mean I’m expecting things to go anywhere past what we’ve done so far. Kissing and holding you is more than enough until you’re ready for anything more, Savannah. No matter how long that is.”

Smiling, Vannah lifted her knee onto the bed refraining from doing what his sweet and genuine words did to her. Pushing the visuals of leaping across the bed and wrapping her arms around his neck she nodded, climbing onto the bed and took a deep breath. So far, he’d been completely honest with her and heeding her mother’s warning, she decided to take the chance of being this honest with him this early on.

“You havenoideahow much I looked forward to your kisses all week.”

With a groan he was on the bed next to her in the next second. “Trust me,” he said kissing her softly as he pulled her up against his hard body. “It was absolute torture to have to wait,” he whispered against her lips. “And I won’t be doing that again. Even if it means me driving down to your dorm every night just to kiss you goodnight.”

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