Page 39 of Way Too Close
The knock at the front door had them both freezing in place and staring at each other. Xochitl muttered something inaudible as she worked her bra on under the T-shirt and slipped her flip flops on then turned to him. “No violence. He is not a violent guy, and he had no idea that you and I are a thing now, okay?” Lex put his hands up in front of him, but he wasn’t promisingshit. They walked out into the front room, where he watched as she took a deep breath just as he slipped his hand in hers before she opened the door. Lex could almost feel his body inflate to twice its size and the adrenaline pummel through him, ready to do this. The moment the door opened, the guy at the door’s eyes went from Xochitl’s to Lex’s then down to their entwined hands. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude—”
“You’re not intruding,” Xochitl said so sweetly it almost nauseated Lex.
It’s why when she went to hug the guy Lex squeezed her hand and pulled back a bit. No way was he going to stand there and watch her ex embraceLex’sgirl like he had any right to anymore. Obviously feeling the tug, Xochitl reached out and just touched Cade’s arm instead. “Come in,” she said then did the introductions. “Lex and I are . . .”
“In a serious relationship now,” he finished for her since clearly, she was having a hard time doing so and it pissed him off.
“I should’ve told you sooner, Cade.” Xochitl said looking a little too apologetic. “You drove all this way.”
Cade shook his head adamantly. “Doesn’t matter, Chichi. I would’ve driven down here regardless. Wouldn’t have made a difference to me.”
Squeezing Xochitl’s hand, Lex tried to take a step forward, but she got in front of him. “What did you just say?”