Page 40 of Way Too Close

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Page 40 of Way Too Close

Nineteen: Life’s Too Short


Lex’s big body pushed against Xochitl’s back, and she wondered just how long she could keep him from exploding on Cade. The mixture of anger and adrenaline practically radiated off his ready-to-kill hard body. She could hardly believe her normally well-mannered and unconfrontational ex Cade would be standing here in Lex’s dorm saying he didn’t care she was with someone now and he would’ve come down anyway. Without even looking at or addressing Lex’s demanding question, he stared right at Xochitl. “I tried getting a hold of your parents and Izel but couldn’t.” Her stomach dropped when his eyes flooded and were instantly bloodshot. “I didn’t wanna tell you over the phone or in a text.” He shook his head as his brows pinched, his expression gave into the emotion he was obviously feeling and Xochitl could barely breathe now. “I don’t know how he got out, but Bentley was hit by a car this morning.” His words were strained, even as the instant knot in Xochitl’s throat nearly suffocated her. “He didn’t make it, babe.”


The instant she cried out, Lex let the firm hold on her hand go as if he knew he had to. She fell into Cade’s arms sobbing as he cried with her. Cade had been there from the first day she got Bentley. Lex knew this. They’d talked about it before. Cade loved her sweetheart just as much as she did and obviously, he was hurting just as much over this.

“I was home for the weekend and drove up the street this morning just getting home from the gym when I saw the crowd in the middle of the street just a few houses away from yours,” Cade said through his tears as he held her tight. He explained about having rushed her dog to the vet himself, but he hadn’t made it. He said they’d agreed to hold him there one day so that Xochitl could see him one last time and say her final goodbye before they cremated him. She finally pulled away from Cade and turned to Lex, feeling her face instantly scrunch when her eyes met his so full of empathy. He pulled her to him, and she welcomed his big strong embrace, crying against his chest some more. She knew Bentley had lived past his expected life span, knew the old guy’s days were numbered and that he’d lived a charmed life. But it tore her heart up that he’d gone this way. Xochitl had always imagined that the day he went would be either peacefully in his sleep or they’d put him down painlessly once they knew it was time. She could only pray now that he hadn’t been in too much pain for too long. Glancing up at Lex, she wiped away at her tears. “I need to go see him. Kiss him goodbye one last time.”

“You should.”

“I can take you and bring—”

“I got it.” Lex glanced up over her head at Cade. “No need for you to drive all the way back again. I’ll take her.”

“But you have practice tomorrow.” She turned to Cade, knowing full well. despite everything going on, Lex was obviously not okay with Cade taking her and driving her back. “I can drive myself.”

“I’m taking you,” Lex said with uncompromising finality. Hearing Cade clear his throat had Xochitl turning to him. “I was uh . . . gonna take tomorrow off anyway. A few of my classes are cancelled for the next couple of days because of some electrical work they’re doing on the buildings they take place in. So, my family’s having a barbeque today. If he’s taking you home, then I’ll get going back now. Maybe I’ll get back in time for some grub.”

At the risk of making things even more uncomfortable for Lex than she knew they already were, she rushed to Cade anyway and hugged him again. She had to. “Thank you so much for doing this. Taking him to the vet and then driving all the way down to give me the awful news in person.” She shook her head as she pulled away feeling the knot expand in her throat again. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if I’d gotten the call from the pound and then not had the chance to see him one last time.”

“I know.” He nodded. “It’s why I made sure the vet agreed to hold off doing anything until you could see him one last time.”

He explained it wasn’t his regular vet either. The one who’d for sure wait even longer than a day since he knew and been treating Bentley for years. That clinic wasn’t open on Sundays, so Cade had taken him to the emergency clinic. She turned to Lex. “We’d have to leave today. I don’t wanna risk them doing anything before I see him.”

“That’s fine,” Lex said glancing down at her hand in Cade’s, then back up at her. Dropping Cade’s hand, she chided herself for not even realizing she’d been holding his hand. It was just habit. They’d been holding hands even before anything romantic ever happened between them. It’d never felt romantic—even when they were an actual couple. Just like when her own brother would occasionally take her hand in his. Cade made his exit and Xochitl and Lex got ready and packed overnight bags just in case. But as long as she got to see Bentley one last time today and Lex didn’t mind the long drive there and back, all in one day, they could get back tonight. It wouldn’t kill her to miss one day of school and she didn’t have any exams, or anything scheduled for tomorrow. But she didn’t want Lex missing class or practice on her account.

The whole time she’d gotten ready and packed her bag, she’d cried off and on. Even the ride there was a somber quieter than normal one with her continuing to cry off and on the whole way. Though, Xochitl knew there was more to the somber mood than just the death of her beloved Bentley. There was an underlying topic they still had to get back to, but she could tell Lex didn’t think this was a good time for it.

Nearly four hours later, they reached the emergency animal clinic where the vet explained that his injuries hadn’t been that severe and maybe if he’d been younger, he might’ve survived. Despite the once again endless stream of tears and feelings of anguish, Xochitl got solace in hearing that pain meds had been immediately administered. So, if he’d been in any pain, it wasn’t for too long. Another consolation was that the vet also explained that this kind of trauma takes a toll on animal’s hearts at any age, but at Bentley’s it was too much and his gave out. It wasn’t internal injuries or ruptured organs or any of the other horrible things she’d been imagining. After kissing him goodbye one last time, telling him he’d forever be in her heart, and arranging for his ashes to be picked up, she sniveled her way back to the car. Lex stopped before they got in and held her tight, kissing her head and temple softly. The memories of when he’d first kissed her temple back at the wedding instantly danced in her head. She could hardly believe she was here now with her amazing new boyfriend, Lex. The guilt she’d begun to feel earlier when she realized he really had begun to think she was no longer in touchwith Cade was suddenly back. Shehadstopped sharing with Lex about her phone calls and texts with Cade because there was no denying how much it bothered him. She really should’ve told Cade about them sooner. Even with the vow she and Cade made to always stay friends no matter what happened between them, she was certain if she admitted their friendship bothered Lex, he’d respect that. Their contact would lessen significantly if not cease altogether. Which made her sad, but truth was, Xochitl knew plenty of people who technically were still her friends, but she rarely spoke with. More than anything, she knew if the tables were turned, she’d for sure hate hearing that Lex was still in touch with an ex. Especially one she was certain still had feelings for him. Even more hypocritical, despite his being angry about her keeping that she was still staying in touch with Cade, she would’ve beenlivid,and it might’ve even been grounds for breaking up had it been the other way around. At least temporarily because God knew there was no way she’d be able to hold out now as she had for those two whole years. As she rested her head against Lex’s hard chest and took in the heavenly scent of him, Xochitl closed her eyes. Her brother’s being charming and smooth with the ladies, wasn’t the only thing Vannah had shared about Lex and Gordo. She’d also shared about their short fuses. She said that like their dad, they could go from zero to a hundred in seconds. As sweet as he could be, Xochitl had seen the hardened side the very first day he arrived. Then again earlier when he’d had to backpedal after getting too worked up.

Obviously, it turned out Cade hadn’t driven down for the reasons both Lex and Xochitl had begun to think. But the whole angry exchange between her and Lex could’ve been avoided altogether had she told Cade sooner. She would’ve been sure there had to be another reason for his unexpected visit. But things could still get bad. One of Vannah’s last texts was to invite her and Lex to a dinner at her brother-in-law’s house in a week. Lex had gotten the same invite, minus the excited mention of the other guys that would be there. Guys from the shop and her husband’s reality show. Guys Vannah said she was already telling Byron to put in a good word for Xochitl. Xochitl had already begun to worry about it. Knowing Vannah she’d set it up, so she’d be sitting with whichever guy she deemed her best match. She’d already mentioned a name. Lex would have to sit through the whole evening of Vannah playing matchmaker. All because his sister didn’t know about them yet. And that was entirely Xochitl’s fault for wanting to still wait. Lex was all for telling everyone. Which begged the answer.Whywas she waiting?

Her father’s words came to her. The year after her grandpa died was the year her parents, who were both teachers, decided to finally live out their dream of opening their own youth summer math camp. They’d been talking about it for years, but her father had always said it was too risky and they’d have to wait until a better time. Then his own father who’d been otherwise healthy was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and died just four months later.Life’s too short to wait. It’s what her father had said when they announced they were going for it the following year and opening up their own summer camp. He’d said sometimes life’s unexpected events help you see things in a different perspective. There’s no better time than the present to just go for it and not be scared. What was she scared of anyway? Awkwardness if things didn’t work out? So far except for her own stupidity everything had been perfect. She glanced up at him and surprisingly it was easy to smile. “Normally, I’d wait longer to introduce any guy I’m seeing to my parents.” His brows went up but to her surprise he didn’t look happy as she expected. “Guy you’reseeing?” She had to chuckle even as she sniffled still and wiped away tears. “We live together, Etzli, and you sleep with me every night.” His already hardened expression went even harder. “And just how many guys have you brought home? Wasn’t Cade your onlylongtimeboyfriend?”

Xochitl thought about that for a moment. “Technically, I’ve never brought any guy I’m dating—”

“Living with.”

She smiled squeezing his big arm. “Okay, living with. But technically you’re my dormmate.”

“Whose bed you sleep with naked every night.” He tilted his head, searching her eyes with a soured expression. “Why are you trying to—”

“I’m not trying to anything.” She laughed nervously, becausesheeshthe guy really could get bent fast. “I was just teasing. They’ll know immediately what bed I’m sleeping in or who’s sleeping in mine when I tell them about thevery seriousrelationship I’m now in with the guy I’mlivingwith.” She smiled big despite the huge hole in her heart. “But seriously, you’ll be the very first. They’d known Cade since he was a kid, and we sort of just eased into the relationship thing.”

His expression relaxed immediately and even the dimples made an appearance as this clearly pleased him. “Another one of your firsts.” He pecked her before opening the door for her. “Let’s go do this then.”

Lex had listened to Xochitl when she’d called her parents to give them the news of Bentley. He’d heard her cry along with her mother. She’d also told him about how her mother was the one who’d talked her into following her heart the night before she broke up with Cade. Xochitl had even admitted that she’d told her mother it was Lex who’d ultimately had her questioning whether she should just get the inevitable over with. “Maybe hearing about you and me being in a relationship now will cheer her up. I’m sure she’ll be happy for me.”

Lex turned to her and smiled. “Always thought I’d be nervous about meeting any girl’s parents, but this makes me feel better. I’m glad you think she’ll be happy about it.”

She squeezed his hand. “I’m sure she will. They both will.”

The reunion with her parents was an emotional one because of Bentley but, Xochitl had already done enough sniveling. So, she tried to keep the tears to a minimum. When she introduced Lex to them, she referred to him as her boyfriend. Her mother’s brows were up immediately, despite her still wiping at her nose and corners of her eyes. “It’s actually been a couple months now.” Xochitl explained as they took seats in her parents’ front room. “We just wanted to wait before saying anything.”

“Shewanted to wait.” Lex clarified squeezing her hand. “I would’ve been fine letting everyone know from day one.”

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