Page 47 of Way Too Close
“You got into it, then she said she loved you?”
Feeling his laughing mood wane a bit, Lex explained about her mentioning she was having lunch with her web designer just as he got out of the car. “He’s older than her. Like twice her age, and he’s asked her out before. Vannah called him creepy. Her telling me last second just felt like she planned it that way.”
Gordo stared at him with a soured expression. “That’s not cool. You think she’s into him?”
“No, I don’t think she’s into him,” Lex shot back, doing his best to shake off the irritation that his brother would even suggest it before he noticed. “I just think she knows I don’t like that he’s asked her out in the past, and she even said she didn’t see the point in pissing me off sooner. And get this,” he added not sure why he was still dwelling on it, but he was, and he’d be asking her more about it as soon as he got the chance. “Instead of meeting up with her at say Starbucks or somewhere where it’d be strictly business, he has her meet him at some Brazilian restaurant she said she agreed to only because he’d been raving about it. Betcha anything it was all swanky and shit. Probably even offered to buy her a drink.” “Fuckthat.” Gordo shook his head. “Tell her to fire the old prick and get someone else. Uncle Eric could do it for her.”
Nodding, Lex smiled. “I was actually thinking the same thing at dinner tonight. But I don’t want her thinking I’m trying to control her ass, you know? So, I’llsuggestit casually as soon as I get the chance. Just not this weekend. Too fresh. We already got into it about the fucker today. I’ll give it a few days maybe a week before I even mention it.”
“Good thinking.” Gordo nodded pointing at his own forehead, then at Lex before lying down again. “It’s what I would do. Fuck that shit.”
Somehow, hearing his younger brother who was known to have an even shorter, less reasonable fuse than Lex, andzeroexperience when it came to any actual committed relationships agree with him so heartedly, wasn’t quite as satisfying as he’d expected when he decided to share. Gordo was quiet for a moment as he read something on his phone screen, and Lex took the moment to replay the weekends happenings so far. As excited as he was that they’d moved things even further in their relationship, it was still a little nerve wracking. He thought about what’d been said several times already and he’d tried to play it down. He waslivingwith his new girlfriend now. This really was huge. “Hey,” Gordo said breaking him out of his thoughts. “You’re driving back to LA tomorrow with Xochitl, right?” Lex turned to him and nodded. “Can I hitch it with you guys? Vannah and Byron are hanging out here until tomorrow night. One of my teammates, Cesar, is down in Los Angeles for few days. I was already gonna skip a few days of school this week to meet him down there for the Dodger playoff game tomorrow afternoon. Then his cousin was gonna get us into Disneyland for free Monday and then into California Adventure on Tuesday. But if I can jump in with you guys, I can’t just go half with him on the resort fee of the hotel we’ll be staying at instead of having to pay for my own.”
Lex chuckled when he saw his brother eagerly tapping away at his phone screen. “Haven’t said yes yet.” Gordo glanced up at him in question, so Lex shook his head with a smirk. “Yeah, you can jump in with us, ass.” “Cool,” Gordo tapped his screen one last time. “Already told him I’ll be there. This is gonna be a good series.”
They lay there for a while discussing sports and whatnot, so reminiscent of the good ole days when life was so much simpler. Only as much as he had going on at the moment, between school, soccer and his new bona fide, family approved, serious relationship with a girl he was nowlivingwith, he couldn’t help smiling. Complicated or not, life didn’t get any better than this. He was only glad he and Xochitl hashed out his issue about her relationship with Cade. So far, it’d been the only thing flawed about their otherwise perfect relationship. Now that it was out there for everyone to know he could hardly wait to move things forward out in the open.