Page 48 of Way Too Close
Twenty-Two: Nightmare
Barely able to concentrate on anything Nena spoke about the night before, Xochitl was only glad they’d both been busy with homework and their websites. Trying to get a hang of all the new changes to her website was proving a bit challenging. It wasn’t just annoying now to know she’d have no choice but to reach out to Rigo again, it was making her a freaking wreck. Like yesterday when Lex had casually asked about where they’d eaten, and she’d immediately picked up on his annoyance, Xochitl knew he’d have even more specific questions for her on their drive home today. Not only had she alreadynotbeen looking forward to them, because she was determined to be as honest as she possibly could, now she had an even bigger clincher. But she refused to ever have to relive that horrid feeling in the pit of her stomach. The one she’d dealt yesterday morning when he called her on her meeting with Rigo. Though she’d already decided she’d keep to herself the odd vibe she’d thought she picked up from Rigo this time. Because she was now chalking up her paranoia and annoyance with him standing too close or even offering her a glass of wine on Lex. Before she was ever with him and had that conversation about Rigo where he’d gotten so heated, she never would’ve given Rigo standing close or offering her a drink a second thought. She couldn’t decide now what might be worse either. Telling Lex that for a second there she’d begun to feel annoyed with the guy and why, or who her web designer was. But Lex and his family couldn’t possibly fault her, for her association to someone who she had no idea about their history with him, right? Xochitl had no idea what the protocol was here. All she knew was Lex would likely expect her to dump the guy ASAP, and there was no way she could. At least not, or ratherespeciallynot before she could get him to fix the issue keeping her from uploading her presentation. She already had so many questions about the changes he’d made to her website, but she wasn’t even worried about losing the website altogether. She just knew there’d be no way she’d be able to put together a whole new presentation in two days and her anxiety about that was through the roof now.
As they drove along, and Gordo went on about the Dodgers stats and then all the new attractions at the theme parks he’d be attending in the next couple of days, Xochitl’s mind raced. Maybe she could hold off even mentioning Rigo for a few days. What were the odds that their inappropriate web designer,Rigobertowas the same as hers—the one she’d all but forgotten she’d metatthe wedding until yesterday when she’d made it a point to mention her new boyfriend to him, right? One hundred percent, damn it.
Xochitl was distracted momentarily as she listened to Gordo share about the Moreno clan’s latest family drama. One of his female cousins, known for being the good girl in the family, got caught making out with a dude at school and got detention for a week.
“Hey.” Lex turned to Xochitl. “Soch was just telling me about her mom catching two of her students having sex in one of the classes. Did they get expelled, like she said they might?”
“I haven’t had a chance to talk to her, but I probably will tonight.”
“Yeah, but that’s sex,” Gordo laughed. “Totally different. Mom says Aunt Grace told her Viviana assured her it was just a kiss, not even making out and the detention was more because she skipped class to hang out with the guy. But you know Uncle Sal is madder about that part than her skipping class. Even dad was upset about it. Mom called him ridiculous.”
“Yeah, well what’s new?” Lex laughed. “You know the men in this family don’t play when it comes to shit like that. Wives, daughters, and sisters alike. I remember you losing your shit a few times when you thought Vannah or Nena had been disrespected.”
“Like you never did.”
“Well,” Lex smirked, staring straight ahead. “That’s different.”
“Stupid,” Gordo laughed.
Just like that, Xochitl was back to feeling anxious about the conversation she’d be having with Lex soon. She frowned, glancing out the window and took a deep breath. Maybe she could run this past Vannah first. As his sister, she might have an idea on how to best break this to Lex. Getting rid of Rigo was inevitable, but she refrained from groaning, because it just couldn’t be done this week.Why? Why the hell did she have to find this out this weekend? Had she known sooner, she wouldn’t have even had Rigo make the changes to her site. Losing a year’s posts if she hadn’t been able to recover them any other way, would’ve been totally worth it, if it meant avoiding what she knew was going to be an incredibly uncomfortable conversation. “So, do we drop you off at your hotel or what?” Lex asked, turning back to look at Gordo as they neared Disneyland where he said the resort they were staying at, was.
“Nah, Cesar’s already in the Los Angeles area. I told him to just pick me up at your dorm, if that’s okay with you guys.”
Lex laughed. “You hear this guy?” He turned to Xochitl. “He already told him to pick him up there, andnowhe’s asking if it’s okay with us.”
Xochitl turned to Gordo and smiled as an idea suddenly came to her. “Of course, it’s okay. Why wouldn’t it be?”
Gordo nudged Lex’s shoulder. “See?”
Lex chuckled as the wheels spun in Xochitl’s head. Thinking of talking to Vannah had brought on the reminder of how her bestie had quipped a few times about how she used her womanly powers to handle her husband who could also be over-the-top intense sometimes. She said it always worked like a charm and in Xochitl’s case it might buy her some time. Tonight might be all she needed. Going straight to their dorm with them, instead of dropping off Gordo, also helped. It’d keep Lex from possibly jumping right into questioning more about her lunch date yesterday with Rigo, and then she could move on to plan B once Gordo left. They didn’t immediately pick up Gordo once back at the dorm either. So, it bought Xochitl more time while he and Lex watched the hype about the playoff game on the TV in the front room. She worked fast to change in the bedroom, into her newest purchase from Victoria’s Secret and threw on a baggy one-piece short set over it. Then sprayed on the body spray Lex liked so much. The double take Lex did when she walked back out into the front room where he was now having a beer with Gordo, wasn’t missed. “You changed?”
“Yeah, I got hot.”
He held his beer bottle up. “There’s a couple more in the fridge if you want one.”
“No, I’m good,” she said fetching the pack of Mentos out of her purse instead, then took the seat next to Lex on the sofa. “You think the Dodgers got this?”
She addressed Gordo but rubbed Lex’s thigh, casually going a little higher than she normally would if it was just an innocent touch. Lex leaned into her taking a not-so-casual whiff of her, then peered at her a bit strangely. It wasn’t unheard of for her to be the one to initiate their sexy times, but it was almost always him doing so.
They talked baseball playoffs for a bit more before Gordo got a text and he jumped from the sofa, grabbed his bag, and said it was Dodger blue time. Neither he nor Lex were big baseball fans, but their go-to teams were the Dodgers and the Padres. With the Padres being out of the running this year, Gordo was excited about the Dodgers still being in it.
As soon as Lex closed the door he turned and pulled Xochitl to him, taking in the scent of her body spray again. “What’s with you?”
“I missed you last night,” she said, leaning in to suck his neck and smiling when he shivered at the touch of her tongue to it.“Mmm,” he said, bringing his hand to her ass and lifting the baggy shorts then froze. “What’s this?” He pulled away tugging at the thong she knew wouldn’t be on for long. So, she made her way down his body nudging him against the back of the door his brother just walked out of. She unzipped his pants zipper where his erection was already pushing through until she had him out of his pants. Undoing the clips of her one piece at her shoulders, she let it drop and unveiled the wicked little matching lacey panty set she’d purchased last week and got down on her knees. Licking the pre-cum at the tip of his fully engorged cock, she took him in all the way, feeling triumphant when he groaned loudly and dropped his head back.
Stroking him with one hand she held her hand firmly where she knew now marked the perfect spot. It was as deep as she could go without gagging but still driving him crazy about just how deep she did take him. “Oh, baby!” he groaned as she sped up the stroking and lapped the rim with her tongue.
She went on until she heard the frantic telling moans, his legs went taut, and his delicious salty goodness got even more potent. All signs that he was almost there. A few more strokes and he groaned loudly as she greedily swallowed up every last delectable drop. Something she’d only begun loving to do with Lex. Xochitl knew one of Lex’s dirtier fetishes was to watch himself come all over her. But after the stressful weekend she’d had, she was treating herself first. They still had all night. He’d get his soon enough.
Frustratingly Xochitl was still dealing with her website issues two days later. The whole time she’d managed to stay off the subject of Rigo, even though she’d been going back and forth with the guy because of the damn continued issues. It helped that she’d been unusually hungrier for sex than normal, so her initiating it as often as she had, hadn’t felt, or come across as fake—at all. Sunday night after that naughty blow job she’d delivered, the last thing on Lex’s mind had been her lunch with her web designer. They’d spent the rest of that Sunday enjoying one of his favorite things to do on their rare days off—naked day. Between ravenous sex, glorious afterglow naps, and gorging on the food they ordered in since they’d worked up quite the appetites, she wasn’t sure if he’d just been hesitant to ruin the day. But he hadn’t brought up her lunch with Rigo at all. Monday morning they’d been off and running again, and when he arrived back at the dorm that evening from another grueling practice, they’d ended up in the shower again. Once again, Lex had been treated to another deep throat starter to the night. If it weren’t for how much she knew he enjoyed their lustful times together, Xochitl might’ve felt a little guilty. But she knew, between their time in the shower, then in the bedroom keeping things going before they could even get their clothes on again, he’d be completelyoutby the time they were done. She would’ve been too, if it wasn’t for the damn presentation, she’d yet to finish, and it was due the next afternoon.
Once again, she was eternally grateful to Rigo Monday night after Lex had passed out, because as usual she hadn’t had to wait for him to get back to her. He took her computer over remotely as she made herself a late-night snack and got her clothes ready for the next morning. Unfortunately, he said there was some kind of glitch he thought might be on her end. Something he couldn’t do from his end even remotely, but he patiently explained the steps she could take to do it herself. Even offered to get together again since he was still in town for a few more days, if need be, so he could walk her through what she needed to get the presentation done. Of course, she’d passed because she wasn’t about to have that conversation with Lex until she could come clean abouteverything. She rationalized that Lex couldn’t possibly be mad at her for still having a website manager that had been such a jerk to his family. She’d just found out this weekend about that, and she had every intention of dropping him once she turned in her presentationtoday. A few people in the lab at school looked up, including one of the administrators, after Xochitl frustratingly banged away at her keyboard getting louder with each key she typed. If they hadn’t been looking at her, she might’ve muttered what she was so close to muttering—Motherfucker! Instead, she forced an apologetic smile and grabbed her phone.
After, hitting speed dial, as expected, Rigo answered on the second ring. “Hey, you. Nice to hear from you so soon again.”