Page 51 of Way Too Close

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Page 51 of Way Too Close

Twenty-Three: Well . . .


This past weekend had only been their second loss of the season. But as usual the week after a loss, the practices were brutal. Today had been no different. Despite feeling completely beat, Lex smiled thinking about what awaited him back at his dorm. If tonight was anything like the past two nights, it didn’t matter how beat he was feeling, he was all for taking care of Xochitl’sneeds. He chuckled inwardly as he opened his locker remembering the comedian, he’d once heard talk about this. It’s the only reason Lex was even aware that there was a time of the month when women libidos were increased. The comedian had joked about how it took his lame ass years to figure it out. Now that Lex could attest to the fact that yes, sir, women did in fact go through these monthly phases, he’d checked dates and was writing all this shit down, so he’d get the most of it every month. Pulling his phone out of his gym bag, Lex frowned when he saw he had several texts from his brother. Already he’d felt guilty about having to turn down his invitation to get together one last time before he went back home. But Lex knew that after losing their game this past weekend, this week’s practices would be longer and more brutal than the usual. There’d also be no way of getting out of them or even getting out early for that matter. The first text from Gordo stumped Lex, so he re-read it.

I thought you said you and your girl wouldn’t have time to even catch lunch this week. But then maybe that’s why she’s practically running. Talk about dramatic. Lol


What the hell was he talking about? Shaking his head because his brother could be a smartass, he sat down on the bench and clicked on the next one.

I saw BRAZILIAN cuisine and remembered what you’d said about her web design guy, so I had Cesar pull a quick U-turn JUST in case. Either way I’m gonna be pissed if it’s you she’s in there with and I wasn’t invited. I’m done with California Adventure. It was a lot smaller than I expected. So, if you’re in this restaurant, you better be ready to buy me some grub.

Feeling strangely unnerved by this, especially after reading the next text from Xochitl and all it said was for him to call her as soon as he could, because they needed to talk. Lex took a deep breath hoping this wasn’t what he was beginning to think. He reread both of Gordo’s text, surprised he hadn’t followed up with anything else. Maybe hewasjust being a smart ass or this was his dumb way of trying to take a jab at Lex for not getting together with him today. The guy was probably already home snickering at Lex’s expense.Just as he was about to call Xochitl, the call came in from Gordo. Lex hit the answer button. “Hey, what the—”

“Did you talk to her?”

This made Lex pause. “Who? Xochitl?”

“No, you haven’t, or you wouldn’t be so damn calm.”

Instantly on his feet, Lex grabbed his gym bag and slammed his locker shut. “Why? What happened? She okay?”

“As far as I know she’s fine.I’mthe one that got arrested.” “Arrested?” Lex was already rushing through the locker room toward the parking lot. “Forwhat?”

“For assault. Matter of fact, come pick me up. We didn’t know when they’d be letting me out, so Cesar went home.”

“Wait, wait, wait,” Lex shook his head as he reached his car and threw his gym in the back seat, but he already had an unbelievably bad feeling about this. “Back up. Who’d you assault and what does it have to do with Xochitl?”

The call connected to his car speakers as soon as he turned the car on, and Lex listened to everything Gordo explained as he drove to the detention center he was sitting outside of. As soon as Gordo was in the car, he told Lex the rest. Lex kept the car in park where he’d stopped because he couldn’t even drive as he took everything his brother was telling him. About seeing her practically running into the restaurant like she could hardly wait to get there, then how he’d approached her where she was cozied up with a dude having martinis and wine at just two in the afternoon. “You know how she disappeared on your ass for two whole years?” Gordo asked sounding every bit as annoyed as Lex was now feeling. “Are you sure she had nothing to do with that asshole who dad got into it with at Vannah’s wedding?”

Lex shook his head. He got that this was a pisser. He’d just confronted her with another guy having drinks—something she either purposely didn’t mention to Lex she’d be doing—or maybe it was a last-minute thing she hadn’t anticipated. Lex could only hope it was the latter given the conversation they’d had Saturday morning and her promising to never keep anything from him out of fear that it might piss him off. She had to know her having drinks with another dude, regardless of who it was, would absolutely piss him off. Especially one they’d already gotten into about, if in fact this was why she was at a Brazilian restaurant again. But what the hell did that have to do with the douche who’d hit on his mom? “No. Why would she?”

“Because that’s who she was having drinks with?”

It took a moment for Gordo’s words to register as Lex stared at him completely perplexed. “Wait,what?”

“Yeah,” Gordo said, getting more fired up with every new detail he delivered. “I didn’t recognize him at first, but you should’ve seen the look on her face when she realized I did.”

This didn’t make any sense. Lex had assumed she’d been there with a friend from school or something. Which would be bad enough considering she’d never mentioned it, or her web designer again. Either of those two, she might’ve had a perfectly good explanation. But she was there withthatasshole? “Did she say why she was there with him?”

“She said something about an assignment, buthesaid they were celebrating.”

Seeing red, Lex’s head raced to make sense of this. “Celebrating what?”

“I didn’t get a chance to ask. Did you know she even knew this guy?”

“No,” Lex said completely confused. “Are you sure it was him?”

“Hell, yeah, I’m sure!” Gordo got even louder. “He even made sure I knew your girl was the one who told him about Aunt Sarah and Beast back when the story first got leaked. Made it pretty fucking obvious he’d been the one who did so, and she’s been telling him all our shit. Said she’d just finished telling him about Viviana getting in trouble at school.”

“What?” Lex shook his head. “What did she say?”

“Not much.” Gordo shook his head looking as disgusted about this as Lex was starting to. “She did call him a piece of shit and tried to say he was lying, but how the hell else would he know?”

Lex thought about that for a second but shook his head. There was no other way he could think of. His brother was still completely fired up as he told him about how their second round of drinks arrived as he stood there, and she said she didn’t want it. “But I think that was for my sake.”

Gordo explained how the asshole insisted she take it, but she refused as Lex was inundated with anger and hurt. Though, the latter outweighed the former by a ton. How,whywould she be telling this guy all their family business. Gordo went on about how the smug asshole tried talking down to him because he was too young to even be in there. “Did she explain at all how she’s involved with this guy?”

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