Page 52 of Way Too Close
“No, she swore she didn’t know anything about what he’d done to our family until just this past weekend. Still why would she still be meeting up for drinks with him and not telling you about it?” He shook his head glancing out the window then back at Lex. “You know me. I blew up too fast before she could say more. At that point, I would’ve gotten in his face for whatever reason,” Gordo went on as fired up as only he could get. “But I didn’t do it for the reasons she’s thinking, I’m sure. Because I was defending her honor or something. Fuck that. If this is who she is, and she’s knowingly involved with this guy who did us so wrong, keeping it from you, and on top of that she’s the mole behind all the stories being leaked, don’t bring her around me if you’re not gonna dump her ass. Cause I will tell her off.”
Lex was still trying to wrap his head around this. “When you say cozied up, what do you mean? Were they holding hands or anything?”
“Worse!” Gordo said even more emphatically, and it nearly choked Lex. “I almost didn’t approach them because he looked so much older than her, and they had a laptop open on the bar. I thoughtmaybethis was just a business meeting like the one you’d told me about and she told you about it this time. But then he put his arms around her and started whispering in her ear. Like they were on some fucking romantic date.”
The slap in the face was brutal. Lex had still been holding out that this was just a misunderstanding. Like the one that took him two years to explain to her about. By the time Lex felt ready to start the car again and get going, Gordo was so good and wound up, he apologized for making Lex drive all the way out there for nothing. “When I first got out, I thought maybe I could just stay with you and catch an Uber home tomorrow morning. But I don’t want you mad at me and the more I think about this, especially now that I know you knew nothing about it, I’m not gonna hold back what I think of her if I see her tonight.” Swallowing hard, Lex nodded because he totally understood. He wondered now, how the fuck he’d hold back himself without saying something he might regret. But how could he regret telling her off, if she really was who was behind all this. Even as he watched Gordo wave at him from the back of the car that picked him up to take him home, he tried to think of any valid explanation for this. For someone who was so honest and straight forward she was sure turning out to be a fucking liar.
Lex could already feel himself reaching that point where he might start punching shit and he needed to calm down first. He was going to hold back calling her before he got home not just because he felt ready to blow, but because he preferred to have this conversation with her in person. But she called when he was just a few blocks away and he couldn’t bring himself to send it to voicemail. “Is this your thing?” he asked as soon as he answered. “Being open and honest about some stuff, but sneaking around all this time behind my back with this guy?”
“I’m sorry, but I had no idea—”
“Did you really tell him all the stuff about my family?”
“No,” she said with conviction. “He’s lying, Lex. He only started saying all that after I called him a piece of shit. I swear to you I didn’t know anything about what he’d done to your family until this past weekend.”
“Okay, okay,” Lex nodded, feeling the slightest big hopeful that might be true, because it felt too surreal that she’d have any involvement this asshole otherwise. But his insides were still on fire. “So, you didn’t know until this weekend and you still got together with him today—for drinks?” He banged his steering wheel not sure what he was madder about. “Were you on a date with this guy?”
“Who the fuck is he to you? And why are you having drinks with him in the middle of the day and not mentioning this shit to me?”
“I had to. I was in a real bind.”
“Youhadto get together for drinks with him?”
“Well, not that part. That was his doing, but I needed him to fix my website.”
Just like when Gordo told him this was the same guy that fucked with their websites, this too took a second to register. “This is your web designer? The same one you got together with on Saturday who supposedly fixed your shit then?”
“Yes, but—”
“The same guy who caused all those problems for my family?”
“I’m telling you I didn’t know about any of that until Saturday.”
He jumped out of his car the moment he turned it off and stalked to his dorm, phone at his ear. “But you still thought I’d be okay with you getting together with him today, and you kept the fact that this douche bag is your web designer since Saturday? Did he hug you and whisper shit in your ear on Saturday too?”
“No. That was just because—”
“When were you planning on telling me this? Or weren’t you?” He opened their dorm door and it hurt to see her standing there behind the kitchen counter looking soguilty.
“I was gonna tell you today—”
“Bullshit!” He hit his phone screen, hanging up on her.
“I was, I swear I just needed to finish this presentation.”
He stalked by her toward his room, as she went on with all the other bullshit about how she planned on getting rid of the guy after today. The day she got caught red handed and she had no choice but to fess up. Did she really expect Lex to believe this crap?
“What are you doing?”
Lex didn’t even bother looking up at her as he continued to throw clothes in a bag. “Getting the hell away from you.”
“Lex, baby,” she squeaked. “Please don’t do this.”
He finally looked up at her crying face, as she covered her mouth with a shaky hand, but it only made him madder. “Ididn’t do this. You’re the one that can’t seem to understand that I don’t like my girlfriend lying to me.”
“But if you just let me explain—”