Page 53 of Way Too Close
“Again?” He retorted so loudly he made her flinch, and he knew he had to get out of there the sooner the better. “Not once, or twice but for the third time. That I know of,” he added feeling even more incensed especially given the perfect week they’d been having so far and then he felt the chill down his spine as he turned to her again. “You getting together with this guy again and not telling me about it have anything to do with . . .” The very thought nauseated him, but he had to ask. “The way you’ve been feeling this week?”
Her brows furrowed as if she didn’t understand and then it seemed to hit her, and her eyes went wide. “No! Of course not.” The relief was short lived because she ruined it by adding. “Well . . .”
“Well, what?” he asked as every hair on his body stood on end. “Well, what!”
It was the second time his booming voice had made her flinch and he didn’t even want to know what she hadn’t finished saying. He was so fucking out of there. “You know what? I don’t wanna know.” She followed behind him as he stalked out of the bedroom, and he prayed she didn’t try touching him because he felt completely ready to blow. He’d never raise a hand to a woman, but he sure as fuck fling her hand away. And the way he was feeling right now, probably way too hard. The mix of emotion he was feeling as he stalked to the front door was so overwhelming, it had his ears ringing. She was still talking even through her tears, as she followed him out, but he couldn’t even make out what she was saying. All he could think of as the visual of this fucker’s hands around her, as that last obscene word assaulted him and what she’d meant by it.Well.
For a moment he considered spinning around and demanding to know what the hell she meant, but for all he knew she might’ve already clarified, and he’d missed it, he was so damn wound up.
He hadn’t even noticed she was barefoot until he reached his car and he glanced at her one last time before getting in. Even with her hands over her mouth and her face a total crying mess she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. His heart ached to think, he could never,wouldnever get past the lies, and she so obviously had a hard time keeping her promises about not doing so ever again. Even if the guy had lied about her telling him his family secrets, because he’d sooner believe the guy had overheard Manny at the wedding or someone else had and passed it onto him. How the hell would he know about Viviana?
“I love you, Lex,” she squeaked as her face crumbled in what looked like as much pain as what he was feeling. “Please forgive me.”
It hurt to do it, but he had to because the emotion was too suffocating now, and he was afraid to speak. He shook his head before getting in his car and sped away.
The moment Lex was able to calm down enough after checking himself into a hotel room he called Gordo. He hoped his brother had calmed too so they could talk about this without either getting to wound up to be rational about it. Lex knew Gordo couldn’t be home yet, but he did sound a bit calmer. Groggy even, almost as if Lex had woken him up. Lex knew his weak ass would forgive her again if it did turn out she’d been telling the truth about why she’d met up with the guy one last time. He knew more than anyone now just how obsessive she could be about her schoolwork and how much this assignment meant to her. His ass was already missing not having her next to him in the bed. He knew there’d be no way he’d stay away from her if that’s all this was about. But there were some things he wouldn’t be able to get past and it’s why he’d already blocked her number because he also knew there’d be no way he’d be as strong as she’d been when she cut him off for two years. He’d be just too willing to hear her out. “Hey man, did I wake you?”
“Yeah, but it’s cool. I’m almost home anyway. Did you talk to her?”
“I did.” Lex lay there, looking up at the ceiling. “If you can call me blowing up on her, talking.”
“Well deserved if you ask me. That’s some bullshit—”
“Listen,” Lex interrupted his brother before the guy might say something that would have Lex defending her. As hurt as he was, he still wasn’t ready to hear anyone badmouth her. Even his brother who ended up in jail because of her. “What exactly did this guy say Xochitl told him about Viviana?”
Gordo was quiet for a moment. “When she tried denying she’d told him anything, he said she’d just been telling him about my cousin getting expelled for doing the nasty with her boyfriend at school.”
Even this made Lex hopeful and he felt the slightest bit of guilt that he may’ve overreacted. “That’s not the story you told us, Gordo.”
“Neither is the one about Aunt Sarah cheating on Uncle Angel,” Gordo shot right back. “You said she does press releases and shit for Pixar, right? Maybe that’s her thing. To sensationalize stories to make them juicier. What did she say about being there with the dude today?”
Lex explained about her assignment and the guy being her web designer. How genuinely upset she’d been when she lost all that stuff on her website and the issues, she’d been having with it. “But more than anything that assignment is what she was most worried about. It was worth a huge part of her overall grade in the class.
“Is that why she was having drinks with asshole, let him put his hands on her then whisper in her ear?” Gordo scoffed. “Come on, dude. I know you said you’re in love but open your eyes. This is some shady ass shit.”
Pressing his lips together, Lex nodded, pushing aside the temptation he was already having to unblock her. They spoke a little more until thankfully Gordo arrived at home and they cut the call. Lex didn’t even want to think about this anymore. It’s why he wouldn’t even be telling Vannah about it until at least the end of the week. Aside from not wanting to upset her about the fact that maybe Xochitl was behind all the leaked stories. He needed time to numb the pain.