Page 3 of Flight Plan
Chapter Two
Wesley Scott welcomed the thirty minutes of quiet time on the plane—no phone meant he could close his eyes and meditate. With investors breathing down his neck, it became imperative he focus on his newest video game upgrade.Dragon Rockhad gained tremendous momentum but if he didn’t complete a new version by summer’s end, they’d pull the plug. Though the next few days were all about Brock Clooney, his friend and mentor, time closed in fast. The forty-two-year-old lawyer had found the man of his dreams, a younger man in the army, and would tie the knot at a blowout event ocean-side.
Wesley had been to Brock’s Rhode Island estate in Oldport several times for summer outings in years past. America’s smallest state had a concentration of hidden gems that ran along the ocean, consisting of turn-of-the century mansions, like the Breakers, mixed with modern-age multi-million-dollar manors.
In the time it took Wesley to complete his chakra opening meditation, the plane landed, returning him to the daily pressure he felt.
Leaving the airport and climbing into the hired car waiting for him, he switched on his phone, feeling sucked in by social media. A rumor strategically and cleverly released, thatDragon Rock 2was in progress, hit last week, creating a buzz. He consideredin progressa generous statement considering he’d been stuck on a key component. He had to figure out a new character—and fast. His team of programmers would need time to work him up, perfect him.
Committed, Wesley desired to bring his dragon-loving fans new features, experiences, and merchandise. Today, he wore his dragon logo gear with pride: a T-shirt with the famous ouroboros, a gnostic and alchemical symbol thatexpressed the unity of all things, material and spiritual, which never disappear but perpetually change form in an eternal cycle of destruction and re-creation.
A kid from the hood, eternally interested in the gaming world, he’d striven to achieve his world-building dreams. He started by programming his concepts into reality, creatingDragon Rock. Within a few years of chronicling his gaming progress online, he had followers in the millions—a YouTube sensation. This phenomenon resulted in his game now being played worldwide. Sure, there were bumps along the way, some more life-altering than others, but this time he truly felt stuck. Everything relied on his fresh new ideas.
Wesley entered the estate, shaking the house manager’s hand. “Jorge, it’s good to see you again, my man.”
“You as well,” Jorge replied but then lowered his voice. “Mr. Clooney is in rare form.”
“Isn’t he always?”
Jorge snickered, waving him through to the Seashell room. “Leave your bags at the steps. He’ll want to see you before you head up to your room.”
Arms moving to the rhythm of his voice, Brock spoke to a taller, fitter man with a buzz cut. On hearing them enter, Brock pivoted, gasping when he saw Wesley. “Ah, you’re finally here.” Brock embraced him as one would welcome a son. Wesley returned his affection, slapping his back.
Releasing Wesley, Brock pointed to his fiancé. “I can’t believe this is the first time you two are meeting. Wes, this is Major Todd Patterson, my better half.”
“Todd.” Wesley extended his hand. “It’s great to finally meet you.”
Todd shook his hand, a firm and tight grip, accompanied by a down jerk of his chin.
“It’s great you’re here early. I want you two to get to know each other better before the ceremony on Sunday. By the way, how’s the new phase of your game coming along?”
Wesley grimaced. “My muse is MIA right now. I need inspiration badly. And less distractions.”
“Ever thought about staying here for the summer and banging out the work?” Brock asked.
Glancing out the floor-to-ceiling windows at the ocean view caused a tug of longing in his belly. Peace and quiet would be a refreshing change.
“This place inspires me. It’s why I keep my favorite art collection here. Also, my old college chum lives next door.”
Wesley knew the neighbor Brock spoke of, who would stand up as best man for him.
“Seriously, you could stay here. We’re off to honeymoon in Europe after this weekend. Then we’re staying in Malibu, officially, for the rest of the year. But who knows where we’ll travel to between now and the end of the year?” Brock shrugged, a twinkle in his pale-blue eyes.
“That’s generous, my friend.” Through spiritual manifestation, Wesley had imagined a team working for him, creating an elemental dragon empire, which had come to fruition. At one point, he’d asked the universe to put a mentor in his path, at which time Brock appeared.
“Bring your whole team. There are plenty of bedrooms.”
“Wow. I’ll consider it.” Wesley felt blessed he had such a friend who looked out for him. Brock acted like the father he never had.
“Are you hungry, Wes? Jorge, why don’t you take him to the kitchen? Fix him something healthy.”
Wesley had broken his fast this morning at eight sharp with a protein smoothie. “Sure, I could use some nourishment.”
“I got you covered. All kinds of fruit and shit. I don’t know. I had a member of my staff accommodate everyone’s food allergies and preferences. You filled out the sheet online, right?”
“I did. Thanks, Brock.”