Page 4 of Flight Plan
Wesley knew his host had diligently thought of everything for his nuptial weekend extravaganza.
By the time he finished his kale salad and moseyed toward the Seashell room, he hung back when he heard a feminine voice in the room. He’d recognized it from earlier. Crazy, but that girl from the airport ended up here. Though he’d found her cute and feisty, she looked young. Something about her had snagged his attention, so much so, that her image had crept into his thoughts on the plane while he tried to meditate. He believed in things like manifesting, karma, and fate. There were no coincidences.
Ava paid the driver and collected her bags, scarcely noticing the home was a size similar to a moderate hotel, grumbling her bank account took a hundred dollar hit, after having ridden the hour’s drive from Providence to Newport. When the hired car failed to pick her up at the airport, courtesy of Todd and Brock, she’d texted Todd. Apparently, another guest had taken it, so it fell on her to proceed to the estate.
Todd welcomed her at the door and yanked her to him for a bear hug.
Ava smiled into his chest, relieved to be with her buddy after so long.
“Hey, I was coming out to pay for your ride. Sorry about the mix-up.”
“No worries. You paid for my flight.” She’d never let him see her struggle, even financially; she had too much pride.
“It’s nice to see you again, angel,” Brock said when she entered the Seashell room.
“Good to see you as well. You look amazing. You’re glowing.”
Todd smirked when he glanced at his fiancé. “I don’t think angel is an appropriate endearment.”
Brock adjusted the two-toned collar of his aquamarine and yellow shirt. “Well, she’s a natural beauty who can fly. Nothing will taint that image in my mind.” He winked, making her feel superior.
She nodded with an accepting grin resting on her lips at Todd when Brock turned away, letting him know she didn’t mind Brock’s endearment. If one of the boys, their army buddies, had called her angel, she’d have gone nuclear. She’d once broken a guy’s finger when he’d called her perky—having nothing to do with her personality. But Brock’s endearment came from a warm and accepting place. She could see why Todd fell in love with him. And becoming owner of this sweet summer mansion was a bonus, though the interior seemed overdone with jumbo Asian vases, printed sofas that looked like they came from a French palace, and a koi pond in the grand entryway. The overarching marine theme played out in cheery tones of teal blues and aqua greens. The seahorse motif, featured in a stained-glass window, repeated in the stair rail ironwork and the modern artwork hanging along the marble-floored hallways. Over the top, just like Brock Clooney.
Todd couldn’t help himself, still riding her. “She doesn’t look angelic in army-issued camos, combat boots, and a scowl.” He said to her, a bit louder, “I think you have a permanent wrinkle in your forehead.”
“Asshole,” she said with affection. She balled her fist but before she could playfully—with potency—sock his arm, Brock turned with a flourish.
“Camos and combat boots! It always turns me on when you’re dressed like that.” Brock pressed his lips together. “Hmmhmm.”
Todd dropped his gaze, clearing his throat.
The fact that Brock could make Major Todd Patterson blush made her adore the flamboyant groom even more. Brock winked at her, procuring their new bond. Yes, she certainly approved of Todd’s choice.
Brock pecked a kiss on Todd’s lips—a forgive me for embarrassing you smooch. Todd’s gaze lingered and softened looking into his fiancé’s eyes, and she couldn’t help but envy what they shared.
Averting her gaze from their tender moment, she noticed movement in the grand foyer. When a tall, darkly handsome man entered the room, her eyes bugged.
“Ah, Wes,” Brock called to him, “I’d like you to meet Todd’s lovely army friend, Ava Baxter. She’s your counterpart in the wedding ceremony. Groomsman and groomsgal.”
“You’re the girl from the airport.” He came closer, causing her to involuntarily inhale his intoxicating scent. “We almost missed the flight together.”
“What’s this?” Brock seemed drawn in by an airport drama. “You met Wes at the airport?”
“Not officially,” Wesley said. “We were in the same long security line together. By the time we got to the gate, the agent had already closed the door. But she was nice enough to reopen it and clear us.”
Nice enough?Ava knew that woman had no intention of making any call onherbehalf. At the memory, her heart began to thud harder in her chest.
Wesley grinned. “Gosh, if I’d have known you were coming here, I would have held up my ride and given you a lift.”
You took my courtesy vehicle!Now her rapid pulse made her neck flush and her eyes blaze.He’s just another privileged asshole.
“Wesley, has Jorge given you the wellness and spa pamphlet?” Todd injected, reaching Ava’s side and placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “For tomorrow’s events.”
Wesley shook his head. “I downloaded the app.”
Ava grunted under her breath, trying to shake Todd’s grip loose. Todd could always read her expressions, knowing when she struggled to contain her discontent with something. She recognized he wanted to keep the peace, defusing her ire. And she couldn’t ruin his wedding weekend extravaganza and all. So, for Todd’s sake, she ignored Wesley’s comment and politely said to Brock, “So, you’ve planned a wellness day. Sounds nice.”