Page 41 of Dance the Tide
“I'm not a snob,” he said petulantly.
She laughed and spoke quietly. “Yes, you are. A little. But I think there's hope for you yet.”
He sighed. “Fine, you win. But I want to know what time you're arriving, okay?”
“I'll let you know. I'll be at softball after work tomorrow, so I'll call you when I get home.”
“I can't believe I'm going to miss your game.”
“I have two more next week.”
“Can't wait.” He paused. “I'm looking forward to Saturday. What do you want to do? Go out, stay in? It doesn't matter to me.”
“It doesn't matter to me either. You three make a plan, and I'll go along with it.” She grinned. “I'm looking forward to it too.”
* * *
Friday morning flew by.Elizabeth spent much of it trying to avoid Bill, but managed to get a lot of work done and hoped to leave early. It had rained in the morning so she’d driven to work, and wanted to run a few errands before the softball game. She’d already called Jane to solidify their weekend plans and told her she’d text her later to let her know what time she would arrive in Boston tomorrow morning.
Upon returning to her office after lunch, she was greeted by roses.Everywhere. Pink, white, and yellow blooms filled the room, and she stopped short in the doorway, her hand covering her mouth—which hung wide open. She counted ten vases, and each vase held a dozen of the fragrant flowers.
Before she knew it, there were half a dozen people standing behind her, including Brenda, who was tittering away.
“Oooh, Lizzy, how romantic!Lookat all theseroses! They must be from thatdivineman. They are, aren’t they?”
Elizabeth turned to her and noticed Bill standing there as well. “Oh, um, I don't know. I guess I should look for a card.”
She checked each bouquet, and finally found not one card but two. Everyone gazed at her expectantly, and she frowned.
“I’m not reading them out loud, so go away! Get back to work!”
“Lizzy Bennet! Tell us if they're from him, at least,” Brenda insisted.
Elizabeth peeked at the signature on the first card. “Yes, yes, they're from him. Now go!”
She closed her office door and sat down at her desk to read the cards, marked very clearly with a one and a two. The first read:
Roses are yellow
and pink and white too,
Bill is a fool
If he thinks he'll win you.
She burst out laughing, then opened the second card.
Saturday can’t get here soon enough.
That made her smile, and she realized that even though she was still unsure of what was happening and wanted to take things slowly, she was craving the sight of him. She tucked the cards into her desk drawer and pulled up the bus schedule online. She would leave as early as possible tomorrow; the sooner she left, the sooner she could satisfy her craving.