Page 42 of Dance the Tide
Hours later, after the softball game—which the reserve team won—Elizabeth headed home. She’d decided to take half of the roses with her, but left the other half in her office. They would brighten up her morning when she returned to work on Monday.
She’d been entertaining an idea for most of the afternoon, and as soon as she arrived home she called Jane. After saying hello, she asked Jane if she was busy tonight.
“No. Charles has a dinner meeting, so he might stop by after, but that's it. Why? What's up?”
“Would you mind if I came to Boston tonight? I thought I'd catch the last bus in, if that's okay. It leaves at eight-thirty.”
“Why do I have the feeling your rush to get here has nothing to do with me?”
“I’m teasing. I think it’s a great idea.”
“Great! I'll see you in a couple of hours!”
Elizabeth called Charlotte to see if she could drop her at the bus station, and Charlotte was happy to help. By eight o’clock she was showered, packed, and ready to go, and by eight thirty-five, she was on the bus and headed off Cape.
She wouldn't see Will tonight, but looked forward to seeing him tomorrow—and then realized that in her haste to get packed and out the door, she’d forgotten to call him. She pulled out her phone and texted him a quick hello, and a few minutes later her phone chimed.
Hi. What’s up?
I’m coming into Boston tonight. Free for breakfast?
She smiled widely.I’ll talk to you soon
Looking forward to it
She wanted to thank him for the flowers, but decided to wait until she could thank him in person. She wasn't normally someone who was flattered by flowers, but his grand romantic gesture had the desired effect.
There may have been some swooning.
* * *
Will arrivedat the station only minutes before Elizabeth's bus pulled in. He was astonished to feel butterflies in his stomach, and couldn't wait to see the face and the eyes that had haunted his dreams all week.
He watched her as she stepped off the bus, picked up her bag, and walked into the station. He could see that she was looking for Jane; she scanned the crowd, and he continued to stare, drinking in the sight of her. She looked beautiful in worn, faded jeans and a lavender blouse, her hair tumbling down around her shoulders.
Her eyes suddenly locked on his, and when she smiled, his heart just about fell out of his chest.
They walked toward each other, and when they met, he took the duffel bag out of her hands and without a word, kissed her softly.
“Hi,” he murmured.
“Hi. What a nice surprise to see you here. I was expecting Jane.”
“I figured she was picking you up, so I called her and persuaded her to let me do it instead. It wasn't hard to do.”
“I'm sure it wasn't.” She reached for her bag, but he refused to give it up. “I'm perfectly capable of carrying that.”
He chuckled. “I know you aremorethan capable of carrying this bag. But I would like to be a gentleman and carry it for you. May I?”
She rolled her eyes. “All you had to do was ask.”
He released a happy sigh and shook his head. “And so it begins.”
They walked to his car, and he put her bag in the trunk. Before he could start the engine, she touched his arm, and when he turned to her, she kissed him, lingering for a moment. She pulled away slowly, and his eyes locked on hers.