Page 90 of Dance the Tide
“Delicious,” he whispered, pulling her toward him again. “More, please.”
He slowly backed her against the counter and held her face, caressing her lips with his over and over, then moving to kiss her cheeks and her eyes,those beautiful eyes, before finally holding her close and swaying lightly as the music played in the background.
She rested her head on his chest and laughed breathlessly. “Remind me to make these brownies more often.”
He chuckled and held her tight. He wanted totellher, felt like he was going to burst with the desire to say those three little words, but he didn't want to just blurt it out. He would wait until the right moment, and in the meantime…he would do everything in his power to make her fall in love with him.
Elizabeth heldWill’s hand while they stood at the water's edge. They’d had a fabulous day, cooking burgers on the grill with Jane, Charles, and Georgiana, and then settling in on the beach to wait for the fireworks. Will had entertained them with his guitar—one that had taken up permanent residence at her house—and they’d indulged in the brownies she’d baked, as well as some cupcakes that Jane had brought along as an early celebration of Elizabeth’s birthday. The fireworks were spectacular, and not long after the show had ended, Charles, Jane, and Georgiana left, hoping to beat the heavy traffic.
Now, as Elizabeth and Will dipped their toes in the ocean, she felt a swell of disappointment at the thought of him leaving. She sighed, and he squeezed her hand.
“What’s up?”
“Nothing. I’m just sad the day is over. It was fun, wasn’t it?”
He nodded and pulled her close. “It was great. A perfect day.” He kissed her lightly. “Best Fourth of July ever.”
She nodded and wrapped her arms around him, resting her head against his chest. “I don’t want to say good night.”
He kissed her head. “Well…I could stay. If you want me to.”
She lifted her head to look up at him. Her heart pounded furiously, and her stomach began to tie itself into knots. “Oh, I don’t–I don't know. I'm not sure…I mean, I didn’t mean—”
“Shh, I know what you meant. I know that wasn’t an invitation for…anything. But I’ll stay, even if I sleep on the couch. It’s up to you.”
“What about Georgiana? You've never stayed here before.”
He shrugged. “She wouldn't give it a second thought.”
Elizabethwantedhim to stay. She didn’t have to get up for work tomorrow because of the holiday, and she wanted to know what it felt like to be held by him all night, to wake up and have his face be the first thing she saw, and to say good morning to him in person, and not on the phone.
She smiled tremulously. “Okay.”
They lingered outside for a while, watching the lights of the boats as they made their way back to wherever they’d come from, and then went inside.
Every nerve in her body had come to life. She took a deep breath as she dug out an extra toothbrush for him and left it on the bathroom sink, and then changed into her pajamas—a tank top with a pair of matching shorts—and brushed out her hair.
When she came out of her bedroom she found him standing on the deck, leaning on the railing and staring out at the water. She went outside and wrapped her arms around his waist, and he pulled her around to stand in front of him. He pushed her hair aside and kissed her neck.
“You smell amazing.”
He rubbed her arms from her shoulders down to her hands, up and down, and they stood that way for a long while. He rocked them back and forth, humming a pretty song about green eyes that he’d sung to her earlier. When they finally went back into the house, he disappeared into the bathroom, and she sat on the edge of the bed, her thoughts racing. By the time he returned to the bedroom, she was a nervous wreck. He stared at her for a moment and then sat down next to her.
“Are you okay?”
“I'm fine, I’m just…” She sighed. “Well, that’s just it. I don't knowwhatI am.”
“I'm happy just to be here with you, even if I crash on the couch. And if it’s too much, I’ll go home. It’s okay.” He pulled her close and stroked her hair. “We’ve come so far in other, more important ways, and those things surpass anything that could happen between us physically. I want you, you know I do, but all of that is in your hands. It’s your decision to make, and I’ll wait.”
Not trusting her voice, she looked at him and nodded. She didn't hear disappointment in his voice, just caring and sincerity, and she saw tenderness—and possibly something else—in those bottomless brown eyes. Her heart was aching to accept it, and she wanted so badly to return it.
“I don’t want you to leave,” she whispered. “And I don’t want you to sleep on the couch. I want you to sleep with me, if that’s–if that’s all right.”
He smiled. “I would like that.”
He walked into the living room and turned off the lights, and when he came back into the bedroom, she was already under the covers.
She watched as he stripped down to his boxers and laid his clothes neatly over the chair in the corner of the room. Her eyes traveled over him hungrily, and when he climbed into bed she turned off the light before rolling over to face him. They kissed softly, gently, careful not to let things escalate. Eventually he nudged her to her side and spooned her, and even though she felt the hardness of him pressed against her—no way to missthat—he didn't seem to mind. He wrapped his arms around her and held her, and she knew this was where she belonged.