Page 91 of Dance the Tide
With him.
* * *
Elizabeth woke earlythe next morning, gradually becoming aware of the slow and steady breathing of the man sleeping in her bed. She scooted closer to him and glanced over her shoulder to her clock—it was entirely too early—and then turned back to him.
Her eyes adjusted to the dim light filtering into the room as she took the time to study him, her gaze traveling over the handsome features already committed to memory. She was tempted to kiss his neck where it curved to meet his shoulder; she loved that part of him, loved burying her face there and inhaling his scent.
He moved a little in his sleep and pulled her closer, and she lightly traced a finger across his eyebrow, down his cheek, along his jaw, and across his bottom lip. Still, he didn't stir.
Her mind wandered back to the conversation she’d had with Jane while Will was in California. Her sister had encouraged her to take a chance with Will, but Elizabeth knew she was well beyond taking chances. She couldn’t stop the feelings she had for him any more than she could stop the sun from rising. Did she have insecurities? Yes. Did she worry that this was too good to be true? Yes. Did she sometimes feel like she was waiting for the other shoe to drop? Yes.
Do I want him in my life? Yes. Am I falling in love with him? Yes, yes, yes.
She didn't want to hold back anymore; he was here, proving to her over and over again with both his actions and his words that he cared for her and wanted her to be a part of his life. This beautiful, complicated, loving man wantedher.
She moved until they were chest to chest, then draped one arm over his waist and caressed the long slope of his warm, muscular back. When he showed signs of waking, she placed her lips to his and kissed him lightly.
His eyes fluttered open, but without skipping a beat he closed them again and pulled her closer, wrapping her in his embrace. Their kisses stayed gentle and unhurried, and after a long moment, he slowly pulled away, his face mere inches from hers.
“Good morning,” he murmured. “I wasn't sure if I was awake or having a very good dream. How did you sleep?”
She stroked the stubble on his jaw. “I slept great. How about you?”
“Never better.”
He smiled, but it quickly faded, and he stared at her in the faint light. “You are stunning,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
He caressed her face, just as she’d done while he was asleep, and when his lips met hers, she placed her hands on either side of his neck, stroking his jaw as he settled over her.
They kissed for what seemed like forever, and eventually, hands began wandering, breathing grew labored…and he pulled away. He sat up and ran one hand over his face.
“We should stop. It’s–it’s one thing to kiss on the couch, or on the beach, or even in the car…but we're in your bed.”
She saw everything she needed to see shining from his eyes and etched in his expression, and without hesitating, she pulled his head down to hers for a hungry kiss. She wanted to leave no doubt in his mind what she wanted: him.All of him.
He groaned, and his lips left hers and slowly kissed along her jaw to her ear before moving down her neck. He stopped at her pulse point, sucking there lightly and making her gasp, then straddled her legs and sat up.
She took advantage and explored the firm muscles of his chest. All of that hardness was covered with the smoothest, warmest skin, and when her hands slid down his stomach, the muscles of his abdomen tightened. She lightly ran her fingers under the waistband of his boxers and then over them, tracing the length of his arousal, and heard him suck in a breath.
He gently moved her hand away and when she groaned in frustration, he gazed at her intently. She smiled, knowing he was again giving her the opportunity to stop, and she held his face in her hands.
“I want this, Will. I want you.”
“Are you–are you sure?” he asked hoarsely.
He sat back on his heels, still straddling her legs, and continued to stare. His fingers played with the hem of her tank top, and he lifted it slightly.
“I want to see you,” he whispered.
He pushed the shirt up, his eyes focused on hers, and feeling bold, she lifted herself up and removed it, then lay back down. She watched as his gaze traveled over her, lingering at her breasts, and then he smiled disarmingly.
“My God, you’re beautiful.”
He stretched out over her and lowered himself to his forearms, until the lengths of their bodies were touching. The feel of his chest pressed against her bare breasts was intoxicating, and she gasped when he moved his mouth along her jaw, working his way down her neck. His mouth reached her breasts and he drew his tongue across one sensitive tip, then the other, going back and forth, teasing her relentlessly until he finally drew one tip into his mouth, sucking it hungrily.
She clutched at his hair and moaned softly, and he applied more exquisite pressure, making her hips rise off the bed. He slid back up her body to attack her lips again, and then rolled away from her and lay on his side.