Page 74 of Bodyguard By Night
To let someone in.
The last thought was enough to have me break the kiss. Her eyes shone in the dim light of the parking lot.
“Well then. Who cares if we’re home with a kiss like that?” Her nails gentled along the nape of my neck, then she toyed with the chain I wore under my shirt. “What exactly are we doing, Ransom?”
“I don’t know.” Seemed like a safe answer. I sure as fuck had no clue, so that part wasn’t a lie.
Her lashes hid her gaze as she stared at my mouth. She touched my lower lip with her other hand. Her short nail brushed my teeth as I opened and nipped at the pad of her forefinger. “I’m pretty sure I’m not in your league.”
I laughed. “Think that’s the other way around.”
A slow grin with a quick flash of her tongue behind her teeth made me go instantly hard. “A very inadequate one-night stand with a lawyer is about all I’ve got to show for my romantic entanglements in the last year.”
My fingers dug into the beltloops of her jeans. The idea of her with anyone else, inadequate or not, made me insane. My knuckles brushed the soft skin of her stomach. I tunneled under the warm sweatshirt to the quivering concave of her belly. The need to stamp out the idea of someone else made me bolder than I should have been in my truck.
She hissed as my fingers cupped lace and cotton. I sucked her finger deeper into my mouth as an apology for my cool fingers. I watched her pupils flare as I pinched her rigid nipple between two knuckles then lightly soothed and returned for another languid tug.
Her sly grin dissolved and she drew in a shaky breath.
“There’s no before, just now.”
She swallowed hard, then she tipped her head back as I slid under the bra from the top, flicking the tight tip again and again until she was lifting her hips in time to some internal rhythm. One I wanted to learn and master.
There were too many people around for me to really do what I wanted. To dive under the ancient cotton and get my mouth on her. To peel all of the layers away until I could wrap those long legs around my neck and make her scream.
But for now, I could give her a little something to take the edge off. She was primed and sleep had left her walls down enough for me to sneak behind her defenses. I slipped my hand between her thighs, the friction from the denim making her jerk.
She gripped my shirt. “Ransom.”
Fuck, the sound of my name on her lips would chase me into dreams tonight, no matter what came next. I knew it and still tugged at one nipple then the other, pushing her bra up to her neck so I could get to each of them. All the while, she writhed against my hand.
The spacious Jeep suddenly seemed too small, the windows fogging from her panting breaths.
I didn’t stop. I rubbed harder at the seam of her jeans, imagining how slick she was under there. I could get into her pants. Her zipper wasn’t much of a barrier, but once I got her silky heat on my fingers, I’d want more.
I wouldn’t be happy until she was in the backseat with her ankles in the air.
Until my mouth was on her, drinking from her until my name bounced off the roof.
My aching cock wanted inside of her, wanted the release I didn’t ever think would be possible. But that wasn’t happening now. Not in this dingy parking lot in my goddamn truck with my console trying to rip a hole into my ribcage.
Her hips lifted, erratic now that my attention had scattered. Her soft moans were all the direction I could handle right now. I buried my face in her neck, finding that spot I’d discovered this afternoon in the rain.
Her pulse thrummed against my mouth as I sucked harder then eased her with a swirl of my tongue. Lemons filled my senses, salt burned my tongue, and her cashmere-soft skin filled my palm.
I dug a knuckle deeper along the seam of her jeans and she arched her back.
I covered her mouth just as she screamed. I swallowed her moans, held her down in the seat as she shook under me. As she clamped her legs over my hand and I swore I could feel her heat through the denim.
The kiss went from nuclear to soft as water. Her moans melted to sighs as she relaxed. I stroked her breast gently before shifting the twisted lace back into place. She opened sated eyes and released my hand.
Words couldn’t cover what that was. And for once, I was almost sure she thought so too. She pulled my hand from under her sweatshirt and up to her cheek. She kissed my palm then my mouth.
There was not a damn thing left to say. Far more shaken than I wanted to admit, I leaned back onto my side of the truck and opened the door. I stood in the cool rain, letting it lash over my face. It was probably steaming off my goddamn skin.
She came around the front of the truck and stood in front of me in the rain. I looked down at her, blinking against the fat drops.
“I don’t think it’s fair my best orgasm of the last decade was in a truck.”