Page 37 of No More Hiding
She figured Hannah might understand. Cat and Jenna were laughing. “I want to say he’s shy, but I don’t think he is. He’s more antisocial.”
“No shocker there,” Cat said.
“Stop. He’s a really nice guy. I ran into him in the store, then later when he was walking his dog in my neighborhood. On Sunday he walked by again and I asked him to stay for dinner.”
“You go, girl,” Jenna said. “I wish I had your confidence.”
Poor Jenna. She was so young and wishy washy about so many things in life. “You have plenty of confidence and you know it.”
“When you find the right guy,” Hannah said, “then nothing holds you back from trying.”
“I don’t know if Brent is the right guy or not,” she said. “I won’t know that until I get to know more about him.”
“And what did you find out?” Cat said. “Oh crap. Jenna, that’s my appointment. Can you get her checked in and I’ll run to get her color ready. No more talk until I’m back.”
She watched Cat run to the back to mix her color and looked down at Penny. “How have you been? Anything exciting you want to share and get the spotlight off of me?”
“Nope,” Penny said. “This is fun.”
“It’s always fun when someone else is blinded by the light.”
Once Cat had her client ready, she said, “Okay, back to dinner withBrentat your place.”
She laughed over the way Cat said Brent’s name. “I was outside pressure washing the siding when Sammie noticed me and pulled Brent across the lawn.”
“Which I’m sure he didn’t fight,” Hannah said. “And I hate to do this, but I don’t want to miss anything. Make it fast, I’ve got an appointment in ten minutes.”
“Me too,” Jenna said. “Once we have everyone in here it’s hard to keep up one conversation.”
“Fine,” she said. “I grilled some burgers and we had a salad and fruit.”
“He ate salad and fruit?” Jenna asked, wrinkling her nose.
“Not everyone turns their head at healthy food. I offered chips too, it’s not like I had this planned. The beef was in the fridge because I was going to make burgers and have a glass of wine for dinner anyway.”
“Wine,” Cat said. “Now we are getting down to business. Skip past the food. What did you two talk about? I know you, that is about all you did.”
“It is,” she said. She wasn’t going to mention that Brent’s sister and best friend died. They didn’t need to know those things. “We talked about his job and mine. The area a little. Life with a puppy.”
“What does he do?” Penny asked.
“He’s an analyst for the government. As he says, his job is boring. He works from home rather than in a windowless basement in New York City like he used to. It’s him, the computer, and now his puppy day in and day out.”
“So he’s a sexy nerd,” Jenna said.
“I’m not sure I’d call him a nerd.”
“You know what I mean,” Jenna argued.
“I suppose. I’m not used to classifying people.”
“You didn’t deny you found him sexy,” Cat said.
“You saw what he looked like after I cleaned him up,” she said, giving the girls a wink. There was a bunch of laughter to that.
“He did have some pretty blue eyes,” Hannah said. “Eyes are more important than other features to me.”
“Depends on the feature you are comparing it to,” Cat said. “I can name a few that are more important depending on the situation.”