Page 38 of No More Hiding
“And now we are getting off topic and Hannah and Jenna have clients coming in. He left a little after six and we exchanged numbers. He texted me this morning to set up a date.”
“So you went days without either of you talking?” Jenna asked. “That’s not a good sign.”
“Why isn’t it?” she asked.
“If he really likes you then he should have reached out earlier,” Jenna said.
“She could have done it too,” Cat said. “There aren’t rules to these things. Sometimes the wait is better.”
“We will see,” Vivian said. “And that is all I’ve got for you. So unless someone else wants to take center stage. Cat? You’re always good for a story or two. What do you have for us?”
“Not much,” Cat said. “My life is boring lately.”
“Come to my party Saturday night. I’m having a little get together with a bunch of friends,” Penny said.
“Sweet,” Cat said. “I need to get out and do something again.”
Vivian looked at Cat to see if she could figure out if there was more going on or not. But Cat continued to apply the color to her client.
“I told Brent I’d figure out where we’d go to dinner on Friday. Any suggestions?” she asked.
The client in Cat’s chair said, “How about Murphy’s? If you want something casual that is the place to go. They’ve got good pub food. They do bring in music on Saturday nights a few times a month, but Fridays it isn’t as loud.”
“I’ll check it out,” she said.
The conversation at that point changed and she was thankful. Now she had to decide how long she’d wait before she told Brent where they were going.
Shot To His Masculinity
Brent was thrilled that he hadn’t blown his chance with Vivian by being a toolbag and waiting too long to reach out to her.
She hadn’t done the same to him, getting back to him on Wednesday with a pub called Murphy’s. He’d looked it up since he was fairly clueless where most things were. He’d have to get out of the house for that.
Here he was though, looking through his closet for something to wear.
End of August and it was pretty warm out, but shorts wouldn’t be dressy enough. Cotton pants and a button down shirt might be the way to go, but he’d be hot and uncomfortable.
He compromised in the end and put on dark jeans, sneakers that could be more like shoes, and a blue and white striped button down shirt that he was rolling up to his elbows.
“You’re going to be a good girl, right?” he asked Sammie. He’d put her bed in the kitchen and gates on the doorways. He wouldn’t be long and she should be fine. He’d let her out and fed her already. He was thinking a dog door might be a good thing to have in the future, but he’d rather she not have the run of the backyard without him as a puppy. Anyone could pick her up and take her.
When she was full grown, if some idiot wanted to wrestle her down to steal her, more power to them if they walked away from it without some bloodshed.
Sammie barked as if she knew what he was saying. Or maybe she was arguing with him not to leave. He’d done it a few times for less than an hour to run to the store. She’d been fine and then thrilled to see him when he returned.
He grabbed his keys and went out the side door to his garage and into his car to drive the few blocks for his first date in years.
Yep, he’d been with a woman in less time, but it was someone Rob had set him up with. They’d hung out at his place and she’d ended up in his bed a handful of times. He wouldn’t call that dating or going out. He’d never taken her to dinner like he was Vivian.
Callie was someone that filled a physical void in his life. She was friends with a woman Rob was dating at the time. Melanie had been devastated over Rob’s death and it was hard for him to console her when he couldn’t console himself.
He’d packed up and left the minute Melanie got what she wanted of hers out of the apartment he’d shared with Rob. He’d been wondering if he would have been asked to leave at some point because Melanie was hinting toward them living together.
That never happened though.
Melanie got her stuff; Callie came and helped out. She was there for him and her friend, but then they drifted apart and he left town.