Page 10 of Kisses
Chapter 4
My eyes open to hearing someone knock on the door. Sully is lying next to me completely naked. Well, I am naked too. I nudge him. He awakes and looks at me.
He asks, “What?”
I answer, “Someone is at the door.”
He responds, “Oh, okay!”
He gets up out of the bed and puts on his boxer shorts before heading to the door. I hide under the plush comforter. The door creaks open and Sully says, “What’s up?”
A faint female voice asks, “Is Lyla up?”
It was Kandace.
Sully comments, “Yeah, she’s up.”
“Can you tell her we need to go now?”
“Lyla, you hear that?”
I answer, “Yeah, give me a minute.”
She demands, “Hurry up. I got an Uber coming.”
Sully closes the door and comments, “It looks like that is it.”
I roll out of the bed and start to get dressed. I really don’t want to have small talk this morning, especially with Kandace demanding we get going.
I look up at Sully still standing in his boxers, exposing his toned body. He walks over to his nightstand and grabs his phone. He asks, “Can I get your number?”
I smirk, “This was just a one-night thing.”
“Yeah, it was fun.”
He chuckles, “Okay, wow. I thought maybe we could do this again.”
I sigh, “Look, I knew what I was getting myself into last night. It was fun and all. Nothing against you, I just don’t care to fuck you again. It is what it is.”
He nods, “Wow! This is definitely a first for me.”
“Not for me. Sorry. Thanks for the good sex,” I state.
I grab my purse and leave his bedroom. I open the door and Kandace is standing there looking like an absolute mess. I can sense something is up. Her hair is frazzled. Her eyes are puffy like she has been crying.
Concerned, I ask, “Are you okay?”
She answers, “No. Can we wait until we get home to talk about it? I’m still trying to gather my thoughts.”
“Of course,” I state, wondering what happened to my best friend. I have not seen her like this. Something is up.
The whole way home Kandace and I are quiet. All she does is stare out the window. I really hope nothing happened to her. I would feel like a total douchebag if she got hurt and I wasn’t around. What if one of Sully’s friends took advantage of her? Fuck, I hope not.