Page 16 of Kisses
Chapter 6
It is the first day of classes and it has already been a mess. Everybody is in a frenzy because all of us are out of routine. I have been looking forward, all day, to my last class – Introduction to Crime Reporting. With all the hype of this class, I hope I won’t be disappointed. My love for true crime exceeds my passion for anything else. It all started with my obsession situated around my mother’s death. Yeah, it is a tad demented. However, I learned so much about that day. After that, I went down the rabbit hole of crime, murder, and many other things. I even bought a police scanner. If I had to pinpoint exactly what I love when it comes to true crime, hands downs, serial killers. Their minds. How did they get away with it for so long? Why did they do it? Their behaviors are what intrigues me the most. I know this class is not going to teach me that kind of investigating, but I hope it can help open the doors to it.
I walk into the classroom and see Kandace sitting in the back of the room. That is so typical of her. I prefer to sit in the front to ensure I hear the professor. However, she got here first and claimed our seating for the semester. I walk up the stairs of our small classroom and sit next to Kandace.
I greet, “Hey. What’s up?”
She smiles, “Nothing really. How are your classes going?”
“Oh, you know, the same old same old. Here is your course syllabus, roll call, get to know your neighbor, and this is how my class will roll,” I answer sarcastically.
She laughs.
The professor has not arrived yet. There are still a few more students trickling in. For some odd reason, I am nervous. Not sure why but I am. I start to doodle in my planner when the door slams shut, catching not only me off guard but the entire classroom. Kandace nudges me. I look up to see who it is. Holy shit, it can’t be.
I blurt out, “Sully.”
His hazel eyes glare at me. He says, “It’s not Sully.” He pauses while he writes his name on the dry erase board. He turns around and states, “I am Professor Sullivan James. I will not go by nicknames. When talking to me, you will refer to me as Professor James. Any problem with that?”
The entire class sits quietly.
Kandace looks at me and mouths, “Oh, my God.”
I mouth back, “I know.”
Professor James continues, “Welcome to Introduction to Crime Reporting. I’m assuming you are all taking this class because you love true crime. You have watched so many shows about crime, you think you’re an expert. You might be thinking this class will be a walk in the park. Well, I have news for you. I’m your professor. This class will not be easy at all. If you truly want to get into crime reporting, you need to take everything I say seriously. There will be talks that you think are boring. Then others that will scare you.
“Crime reporting is very serious to me. I expect my students to channel the passion I have for crime. Nothing less than 150%. I will know when you don’t put your best effort toward your assignments. You will hate me. I’m okay with that. If you can’t handle harsh criticism, then I suggest you drop my class.”
Now, I know why I am nervous. My body sensed he was around. However, this is not the same guy that I met at the pub that one night. He was fun and electric. I have no clue who this man is. He is an asshole. In general, maybe he is an asshole, and I was distracted by the fact I just wanted to fuck him. This is going to make for an odd and uncomfortable semester.
Class is finished; Kandace and I walk down the stairs to the door. We are the last ones out. Our professor looks at us and says, “Ms. Peters, I would like to have a word with Ms. Keaton.”
Kandace looks at me and says she will be waiting for me outside of class.
I stop at his desk and say, “Yes, Professor James.”
He proceeds, “We need to discuss our meeting prior to this class.”
“Don’t expect, since I had a good time with you before, that you get a pass with this class. I’m going to treat you just like the rest. As for what happened before, you need to forget that ever happened. Do you understand me?”
I nod, “Yes, sir.”
He demands, “Okay, you can leave now.”
I walk out of the classroom and meet Kandace just outside the door. I don’t hold back. His door is wide open. I comment, “What a fucking asshole.”
Kandace shushes, “Girl, he can hear you.”
“Good. I hope he does. He really thinks I’m going to expect a pass because we?” I stop myself from saying it. Others are around. They don’t need to know I fucked our professor before school started. In my defense, I had no clue. The big decision is, should I stay in this class.
Hell fucking yes! I’m not going to let one night of whatever detour me from what I want to be. His piss poor attitude is not going to stop me.