Page 18 of Kisses
Chapter 7
The last several weeks of class have sucked big time. Professor James is the biggest douchebag I have ever met. He is a complete ass to each and every one of us. Unfortunately, I get it the worst. Well, I feel like it. I have always been an A student. I work my ass off and respond intelligently to questions. Professor James is never happy with my answer. He tells me I might need to do more research. He has even gone so far as to tell me in front of the class that he thinks I haven’t read the assignment.
Who the fuck does he think he is? Oh, wait. He is a world class expert in his field. He’s worked his way up from the bottom in record time to being a best-selling author in his field. Insert eye roll.
Kandace and I decide to grab lunch before going to our hellacious class. I need not be hungry during the class. God forbid my tummy rumbles during his lecture. Yeah, it happened once. Another example of him calling me out and asking if I needed a snack. I swear it’s his way of trying to belittle me. How does he even have a job? He is the absolute worst person I have ever met. What makes this all so much worse, is that I fucked him and enjoyed it. He was so different from what I am seeing now. Ugh, it annoys me.
Kandace grabs my attention and asks, “You ready for our last class of the day.”
I snark, “No.”
She laughs. Her method of not getting called out in class is keeping her mouth shut. She grins, “You know, I don’t think he is that bad.”
Little shit is trying to get a rise out of me. Well, it is going to work.
“Of course, you don’t think he is bad. You just sit there like a little lamb not wanting to poke the lion.”
“The correct phrase is bear.”
“He’s a lion. Bears are warm and fuzzy. Bears aren’t arrogant either.”
She continues to laugh, “He is really under your skin.”
“Yeah, so. He’s an ass who happens to be my teacher.”
“And an ass you had a good time with. I think it is kind of sexy how he takes control of the classroom and teaches students that his profession is not easy. It’s kind of cutthroat. Then there is the confidence in himself that he knows what he is talking about. Girl, you have to admit, it’s hot.”
“No, it’s not.”
She is now laughing hysterically, “He’s really under your skin. This is a sight I have never seen before in my friend.”
“What is that?”
“You like him.”
“Um, despise him is more like it.”
“Okay, keep telling yourself that,” she smirks.
I roll my eyes at her and gear my attention to my Thai chicken salad from the deli store. She will not ruin my love for this glorious peanut butter nut filled spiciness of a salad.
Kandace quietly eats her macaroni and cheese with interruptions of little laughs. She thinks she is super funny.
While eating our meals, I look up to see not only Sully but his friend, Todd, in the students’ commons area. I clear my throat at Kandace. She looks at me oddly. I signal my head toward them. She turns her head. In the exact moment, he looks our way.
Kandace whispers, “Oh, my God.” She focuses her attention back on her food.
I know he noticed her. With that, he starts to walk in our direction.
I muffle, “He’s coming over here.”
Her eyes widen. It is about to get uncomfortable here.
Todd approaches us with Sully trailing behind. He greets, “Kandace.”
She acts surprised and smiles, “Hi, Todd. How are you?”