Page 40 of Kisses
Chapter 14
The last several weeks have been absolutely amazing. I have no clue how we are doing it, but we are. Yeah, class can be kind of odd. Seriously, I have no clue how to act. A lot of times, I want to jump his bones. I hold back. I am surprised no one in class can pick up on the fact that we are seeing each other. I walk by him, I light up. It’s difficult to explain. Numerous times, I catch him looking at me. Like a giddy teenager, I blush and smile. Did I mention? He is sexy as fuck. I am hot for the teacher. Still, it’s unusual to me. You know, to have feelings like this.
What are my feelings? Lust? Love? I wish I knew.
Sullivan should be here in about an hour. I started calling him Sullivan because I feel it is sexier. His boys can call him Sully. I know he loves it when I moan it. He excites me.
I start to get ready. We are going to have our typical date at my house. Friday nights, he spends time over here while Kandace goes to Todd and his place. I feel the Todd and Kandace thing is fragile like a flower. They are totally into each other but taking it slow. It’s unlike Kandace for sure. Shit, it’s unlike both of us.
I hear a knock on the door and smile. It’s Sullivan. I happily glide to the door. I look through the peephole and see him holding flowers. What the fuck?
I open the door and look at him.
He smiles, “Hey beautiful.”
Here comes the stupid grin on my face. Sullivan leans and gives me a kiss on my cheek. I shut the door behind him. He turns around and says, “These are for you. I hope you like them.”
I answer, “Duh. Why wouldn’t I like them?”
“Maybe because you are not the typical woman.”
I smirk, “You have a point.”
Sullivan said he is going to cook for me tonight. Yet, I do not see any groceries. Just the beautiful lilies he brought me. I wonder if he forgot. I ask, “What’s the plan for dinner?”
He smirks, “I’m glad you asked. I need you to go upstairs and pack an overnight bag.”
“Overnight bag?”
That sly smile appears across his face, and he says, “We are eating out and spending the night downtown.”
“Downtown? Isn’t that risky?”
“Not downtown Lincoln. Downtown Kansas City.”
“As in the Powerlight District?”
“You’re correct.”
“We are going to have an actual date?”
“Yeah, babe.”
“But we won’t get there until late.”
“True. That doesn’t matter to me. I just want to go somewhere special with you. Then have my way with you.”
“Sullivan, you’re sneaky.”
“I just want some time with you outside of our places,” he comments.
Butterflies begin to flutter in my stomach. What the fuck is that?
However, this is so incredibly endearing. It is a three-hour drive from Lincoln. We won’t get there until almost eight o’clock. This is crazy but exciting at the same time.