Page 7 of Their Broken Tears
Chapter Three
A dozen people greet us seconds after walking through the door of tonight’s party and Molly Masters is practically humping my leg. Alex smirks as a brunette whispers something in his ear; a flicker of tongue gliding across his lobe as she shares naughty secrets. His eyes light up mischievously as he nods, glancing around the room. At the same time, Marisol and Jasmine disappear into the kitchen to visit the keg, leaving me alone to fend off Molly’s seducing words. She’s hot as fuck, but a complete bitch. Even if my dick likes what he sees, I’m not touching her. She’s a clinger. And one that’d probably hoax a pregnancy or some other crazy shit to keep a man around.
Throughout the night I’ve become a pro at staving off Molly while talking with friends, but when I glimpse Carlos, my gaze wanders with him. He’s a decent guy but in deep with the south side biker gang; and since Alex has been ditching class to hang with him and his crew, I’d like to keep tabs on their activity. I’m worried about the trouble they could talk him into. Alex is smart, like, really smart. Easily the highest GPA in school, contending with only Jaz. He has a promising future, and I’d hate to see him go down the wrong path. My internal commentary triggers a chuckle, knowing I sound more like his fucking dad than his best friend.
Alex tips his head in a what’s up gesture once Carlos is in sight. He beelines toward Alex, pushing his way through the rest of our drunken classmates, until their heads are dipped together to hear over the noise. It’s then a nasally voice penetrates the internal fog my thoughts have created, allowing my stage-five to track me down.
“Jace, are you even listening to me?” Molly’s voice slices through my good time, causing me to lose track of Alex and Carlos.
“What?” I snap, rudely.
“I asked if you wanted to hang out the rest of the night. You know, like we could go somewhere… alone.” She walks her fingers up my chest. A chill runs down my spine, like the Grim Reaper himself drew his bony finger across my skin, rippling goosebumps in the apparition’s wake.
I need to get out of here and find Alex. I grab Molly’s hand and place it at her side. “Molly, I’ve been over this with you. I don’t want to go anywhere with you, or do anything with you. I don’t know how many times I’m going to have to tell you before you get it through your head. I am not interested in hooking up with you.”
I ditch Molly and walk around the living room, looking for Alex, when I notice some of them heading out the back door. I’m heading in their direction, hoping to lose my stage-five, a.k.a., Molly, when I stop dead in my tracks.
Marisol is across the room, leaning against the back of a couch, talking and laughing with my twin while they drink their beers. Marisol’s always been like a sister. Hell, I used to introduce her and Jasmine as my sisters. But looking at them now, together, I realize how much that perspective has changed.
My dick stands at attention as Marisol’s laugh rings through the crowd and the light bounces off her giant smile and caramel eyes. If my suspicions weren’t enough, the images boiling to the surface of us together, me turning her around, and bending her over the bar, only confirm my attraction. Of course, those are fantasies. I’d never allow others to see my girl vulnerable or hear her screams of pleasure. Those are reserved for me.
The shock of my thoughts and claiming’s rock me back to the current just in time to catch a guy across the room lurking closer to my girls. The predatory expression he’s wearing raises my hackles for each of them in different ways. Jaz, because she’s my twin and it’s my duty to protect her. Mare, because… well, because not only is she one of my best friends, but she’s also becoming more.
Jasmine’s twin sense kicks in when she walks across the room to say something to one of their teammates, leaving Marisol by herself. My feet move without my permission. My sister may not have given me this opportunity on purpose, but before I know it, I’m next to her, leaning against the back of the couch. Nonchalantly, I look behind her at the guy, who continues to stare and give him a look that says, ‘Keep looking, buddy, and it’ll be the last thing you see.’
His eyes grow comically wide but still has the balls to glance in Jaz’s direction. My glare turns glacier and when he turns back, he realizes it’d be wise to walk away.
Now that the dickbag has been delt with, I turn toward Marisol. Her shampoo invades my sinuses standing this close. The floral scent weakens my knees. Why haven’t I noticed how good she smells before? Jesus. Get ahold of yourself.
“Hey, Mare. How are you doing?” I ask, shaking off my drifting thoughts.
“Good, and you?” She casually tips her cup towards Molly, who’s still only a handful of steps behind me.
I peruse Molly carefully, trying to figure out what people see in her, other than an easy lay. She has nothing on a girl like the one standing next to me.
A disgusted grunt draws my attention back to Marisol. After examining her for a moment, I recognize the expression. Most of the girls in school wear it when observing my friends and me. Jealousy. A cheesy grin spreads across my face.
“What?” I ask, innocently.
“You know what? You…” Marisol sticks a finger in my face. She’s had more than a few beers if her wobbly finger is any indicator, “are a pig.” She takes a drink before speaking again. “You shouldn’t treat girls that way. Not even girls like her.” She looks at Molly again. “Because even she needs somebody.”
She’s off in her own world for a moment before she meets my gaze again. The melting caramel of her eyes traps me as my heart flutters and jumps into overdrive. Her hair shines like black onyx. Her tan skin beckons with its softness, drawing me closer. How have I overlooked her attractiveness? The emotions coursing through me are foreign. I definitely can’t trust them, or myself, especially not around her.
“You need to stop staring at me.” She waves her finger around again.
I blink, realizing I’ve become her stage-five. “You know what I think?” I say, instead of acknowledging that she’s right. “I think you’re jealous.”
A small, startled squeak leaves her. The panic on her face tells me I might be right, that I might not be the only one going through this confusion. My primal instincts take over when I lean in even closer, our bodies almost touching.
Marisol whispers, “I?I am not.” The uneasiness in her voice gives her away. She is. She so is.
I want to say something to her, to ease the worry, that it’s not just her. How in the hell can I go about telling a girl who I considered a sister only a few short days ago, my sister’s best friend, and my best friend’s sister, I have the hots for her?
“What are you two doing?” Jasmine smashes into me, bumping Marisol.
My hands snap out. One wrapping around my drunk twin, making sure she doesn’t bounce off me, and hit the floor. And the other snags Marisol’s arm, steadying her balance.