Page 8 of Their Broken Tears
When our gazes clash, breathing increases, and I tighten my grip slightly. She breaks the connection, muttering, “Bottoms up.” and finishes her beer in one gulp.
What the hell just happened? You’d think I’d have my head on straight, since I’m not drinking. I take a step back, and then another. This situation calls for distance until I figure my shit out. Jasmine leans her weight on me, pulling me back to the party. I stare down at her. The innocence on her face at this moment melts my heart. She’s dealt with way more than any teen should. I’m glad we’re twins, so I’ll always be around to keep her safe.
“Jaz, I told you you’d have a blast.” I whisper. Margret’s a real bitch, and this is a good way for her to blow off some steam.
“You were sthoooo right.” She slurs into my shoulder, tucking herself under my chin. “I love you, Jacey,” she whispers. “Thank you for bringing me out.”
I hug her tight, my heart squeezing like a fist. “When we get home, we can play tag. One, two, Freddie’s coming for you…” I chuckle in her ear. When we were kids, we had what we called extreme tag wars. We were both obsessed with the Freddie Kruger movies and turned the song into our own.
She smiles up at me and slaps me in the chest. I’ll do anything to get her to smile like that. She needs this. I want to give her some time alone. She doesn’t get to cut loose like this often. Actually, she never does. The nights we go out, she’s the one who drives for Alex and me.
Indecision weighs heavy, but then decide to find Alex and give Marisol and Jasmine some much-needed girl time. “I’m going to find Alex. I think he went outside to talk to Carlos. You two going to be all right for a little while?”
Marisol’s brows pucker. Even the simplest expression causes me to swoon. Yeah, I need to leave.
“We’ll be fine,” Jasmine says. I smile at her, knowing she’s reaching her limit. Man, she’s going to have one hell of a hangover.
“Okay.” I pat her on the head and take a moment to lean over to Marisol. She doesn’t seem to have had as much to drink as Jasmine. “Keep an eye on her, will you?” I ask.
“Of course,” she assures me.
I hold her gaze for a moment longer than necessary. A silent conversation passes between us, but one I can’t translate, unsure of its meaning. I blink, returning to my thoughts of Alex. I haven’t seen him much throughout the party.
Turning away from Marisol is harder than it should be. I must be going insane. Who’d have thought so many emotions could course through one person? I’m wishing Jasmine were the sober one tonight. I could use a distraction.
Pushing through the door that leads to the backyard, I find Alex, Carlos, and a handful of other people.
“It’s about time.” Alex slaps me on the back. “Where the hell have you been?”
He hasn’t been drinking, but by the smell of things, the party was still going strong out here.
“Not much, just checking on the girls.” Stepping inside the circle, I wait for my turn.
Alex is eyeing me suspiciously. “Everything okay?”
“Fine. I just wanted out of there. Stage-five,” I say, finally getting my hit. I take a deep drag and blow it out. I rarely take part in smoking weed, but some nights just call for it, and tonight is one of those nights.
Alex chuckles. “Is Molly still after your cojones?”
“Something like that.”
“Man, that chick will never learn.”
“Hey, Jace, how’s it hanging?” Carlos appears next to me.
“Long and to the left, man,” I laugh and fist bump him.
“Nice to see you again, amigo.”
“What have you been up to?” I inquire. He misses more school than he attends. I’m surprised they still allowed him to enroll.
“You know, a little of this, a little of that.”
I laugh and shake my head. The weed is kicking in. “It’s all good.”
I pass on the next hit. I don’t need much since I don’t smoke often. Plus, I still have to drive tonight, and by the looks of Jasmine, she may be ready to go.
Carlos says something in Spanish, then looking at me, he repeats it. “What are you guys doing later tonight?” I can tell his crowd is just gearing up for a night out, while ours is winding down.