Page 16 of If the Shoe Fits
"Everyone loves a good pleb to royal story."
"I'm not a pleb. And neither was Cinderella. She was a Duke's daughter," I pointed out, not mentioning that technically, she came higher up the pecking order than I did. It was a moot point.
"It's the romance and mystery of it. The drama surrounding life at court. Surely you can see why we're all obsessed with fairy tales still?" Enrique was so excited about it. Probably because one of his designs was now blazoned across the front of a national paper. It was probably on the rest of them too.
"I don't want to be in a fairy tale. I just want to live the best life I can."
Enrique sighed. "Really, Sadie? You're not seeing this as the opportunity it is. Someone with enough sway to be able to set the press on it, wants you."
"Probably because I was easy to get into bed. Well onto the floor. What man doesn't want it that easy."
He frowned at me. "Most of us, Sades. We don't want someone who just gives it up, we want someone who matches us and what we want. And I'd hardly call publicly trying to find out who you are wanting easy sex."
I chewed on my lip, not wanting to think about what he was saying and certainly not wanting to admit there might be some truth in it. I understood where he was coming from and a part of me was almost desperate to reach out and answer his call. But that didn't fit with my life plans. I didn't want to be the centre of some kind of public love story. I just wanted to be me.
"I can see your head whirling a mile a minute, Sadie. Please don't say no to this. You've lived too long in the shadows, let yourself step into the light."
"That has to be the gayest thing you've ever said."
"And don't I know it." He beamed with pride and I shook my head in bemusement.
"I don't think it's a good idea. I want to make my own way in life, not be supported by a man."
"No. And don't you dare tell them anything about me. I don't want to be a news story, Enrique. You can claim the shoe. Tell everyone, everywhere that you created it, but don't mention my name."
I pushed my chair back, scraping it along the floor and only just managing not to wince.
"If that's what you wish." He gave me puppy dog eyes and it was all I could do not to give in to him. But I was right not doing, I was sure of that.
"It is what I wish," I said softly. "But thank you. For the dress, the support, for making my dreams come true."
"You're welcome, I just wish I could do more."
I smiled, trying not to let my sadness and disappointment seep into it. A big part of me wanted to give in like Enrique was suggesting. It would be nice to have someone by my side through it all.
Gathering my things together, I paused for a moment on the single shoe I still had. What was the man like who had the other one?
I didn't let myself linger on the thought. I just said my goodbyes and went to continue with my day. I knew Enrique wouldn't break my trust but that didn't mean there wasn't a part of me hoping he would.