Page 17 of If the Shoe Fits
Chapter Nine
Iavoided the TV like the plague after the first day. The magazines and papers too. All of them were full of the hunt for Leo's Cinderella. I was just glad he'd kept my name out of it. He probably thought I'd used a fake one.
Nerves fluttered in my stomach, as they had been doing for the past few days. There were a lot of things that could go wrong. If Vincent recalled my name and that I'd danced with Leo after him and the two of them talked. One of Enrique's employees might spill the beans too. Suddenly I realised that far too many people knew my secret for comfort and there was nothing I could do about it. I chided myself. Next time I wanted to do something stupid and reckless for a man, I'd make sure I thought twice about it.
I looked back over the paper I was writing. It was better for me if I focused on Mozart's influence on modern music rather than the worry over being outed. I could kiss goodbye to my dreams if I was. And from what Rita had been telling me, there's a chance I could lose my future trust fund too. Losing one or the other wasn't so much of a big deal. But both.... that would ensure I had no future at all. I'd be the first member of my family to ever fall from grace and given the history of England, that said something.
Frustrated with myself, I abandoned my seat and stalked over to my wardrobe, pulling out my shoe. I stared at it, tracing the lines of the pattern. How could one object cause so much trouble?
Before I could stop it, my mind strayed to the person in possession of its twin.
No. I couldn't keep doing this to myself. Leo was now firmly a part of my past, just like I'd intended him to be when I set out to find him at the wedding. He wasn't my Prince Charming, even if at every turn it did seem like I was living in a stupid fairy tale.
Rita walked into my room without knocking. Which wasn't surprising, I was just standing here with the door open.
"You're needed downstairs." Her voice shook, as if she wasn't too sure of herself.
"Okay." I furrowed my brow, wondering what could be so important that I was needed. My stepmother never needed me. I was certain she preferred just to pretend I didn't exist. I could understand that in some ways. I was just a reminder of the man she'd married. A man who’d still been in mourning for his dead wife. I partly blamed my Dad for that. But he'd wanted a mother for me. He'd just picked badly.
"I'd bring that, if I were you," Rita said when I'd gone to put my shoe away.
"What?" I asked, my eyes widening. No way was she suggesting what I thought she was.
"The shoe. I'd bring it."
"I... you... just please?" She begged me with her eyes and it was all I could do to give in. She was clearly concerned about something if she wanted me to bring it with me. And so was I now. How could anyone have known it was me who owned the other one?
Slowly, I made my way downstairs, the shoe clasped tightly in my grip. I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to face what I'd done.
I certainly didn't want my face all over the news. I wasn't that kind of woman.
And yet, I'd done that kind of thing. The papers were always filled with scandals and I certainly was one of those. Was it treason to have sex while at a royal function? I hoped not. Unless I'd slept with the Queen's husband. I knew what Prince Albert looked like though, and Leo certainly hadn't been him in disguise.
I entered the sitting room and was greeted with deathly silence. I looked around the people there, not at all surprised to see the sour look gracing my stepmother's face. Whatever she'd been told, she didn't like it.
There was a royal guard stood in the corner, not saying a word and looking as straight faced as they always did. It was well known that even if someone pulled faces at them, they wouldn't crack a smile.
A royal guard though...that wasn't a good sign. If he was here, then who else was.
My gaze strayed to the man on the opposite side of the room, staring out of the window so I couldn't see his face.
Rita squeezed past me and took a seat by her mother, picking up a tea cup in a way which had me thinking she was doing it just to look busy rather than because she wanted a drink. I pitied her. This couldn't be a fun situation for her to find herself in.
"Lady Parker," the man said, turning and dipping into a bow.
A small gasp escaped from me, but I recovered quickly and curtsied in return. Technically unnecessary, but he'd offered me the respect, so I believed it due to him too. "Lord Vincent. To what do I owe this pleasure?"
His eyes met mine and a knowing look passed through them. I tried to ignore it. He couldn't have any idea what had happened between Leo and me. Though he did have that air of being a man who knew everything and everyone's business.
"I think you're well aware of that, Lady Parker."
"Please call me Sadie," I responded. Everyone else did. I couldn't actually name one person who called me Lady on a regular basis. Not even Enrique used it to tease me. I was fairly sure that most people forgot I had a title. Something to do with how little cash I flashed and the fact I didn't wear designer clothing all the time.
"In which case, you must call me Vincent. You'll have more call than most to."
I frowned, not understanding his meaning. "How so?"
"All in due time, Sadie."