Page 18 of If the Shoe Fits
"Vincent, can we get you anything? More tea? A scone?" my stepmother burst in.
The look Vincent gave her could have turned Medusa to stone. Suddenly I was very glad he wanted to first-name me.
"I'm afraid you might need to explain yourself, Vincent. I'm not sure what the purpose of your visit is."
I moved the hand holding my shoe, so it was shielded from his gaze by my body. I wasn't about to make this any easier for him, even if he did appear to be on my side. For the moment at least.
"Did you enjoy the reception?" He glanced back out of the window, ignoring the other people in the room.
"Sadie didn't go to the reception, she..."
"I assure you, Mistress Parker, she did," he shot down my stepmother and I smiled to myself.
"It was delightful," I replied evenly. "The Queen was very beautiful," I added.
"That she was." His voice softened as he spoke, hinting at something more than just the loyalty of a subject. But no. The Queen was married. It must be unrequited admiration at most.
"The music was sublime too."
"It was. We have the best musicians at court," he replied.
I swallowed loudly. While the idle chit chat seemed innocent, I had the feeling it wasn't. And that I knew exactly where this was heading.
"I hear you're a fair musician yourself."
"I think whoever you heard that from was being overly kind." I crossed the fingers of my empty hand, hoping it was Leo who had told him about my affinity for music.
"I doubt it. He's a connoisseur of finer things himself," Vincent replied. "Who designed the dress you were wearing?"
"Enrique Verre," I responded instantly. "He's been a good friend of mine since we were small."
"I have no doubt about that, the dress you were wearing was a work of art."
"That it was."
We lapsed into stiff silence, both of us wondering who would break first. There was no chance he'd come here just to ask me who made my dress. Even if the Queen herself wanted to know, she wouldn't have her advisers come to question it.
"What about your shoes?"
My blood turned to ice in my veins. He knew. He had to.
"Enrique designed them too," I admitted.
"Ah, good. I imagine he'll be a household name soon. You too."
"I doubt that," I responded.
"What is going on here?" my stepmother demanded. "You've come into my house and asked my daughter inane questions about her wardrobe at an event she shouldn't have even been at." She shot daggers at me as she spoke, her displeasure clear on her face. She really wasn't happy with me.
"I'm not your daughter," I ground out. How dare she refer to me that way. We all knew she was only doing it because there was someone else in the room. She'd never have acknowledged me like that otherwise.
"I am here on the Queen's business, Mistress Parker. Please refrain from making a scene or I will ask you to leave the room."
Horror filled my stepmother's eyes and she leaned back in her seat, apparently cowed for now.
"How can I help you, Vincent?" I asked. "I'm becoming very confused."
"May I see the shoe you're holding, Sadie?"
I gasped. How had he known? Well, that wasn't too difficult to work out, I was just holding the shoe and not hiding it very effectively.
I knew it was better to give in to him rather than fight. With shaking hands, I lifted the footwear, so it was hanging between us.
Gently. almost with reverence, he took it from me, turning it this way and that in the light.
"Just as I expected."
"What is?" I asked boldly, daring him to say what he needed to.
"It's the matching shoe to the one Leopold hasn't let out of his sight since the wedding. But I expected as much when I was told about it."
"Who told you?" My voice shook. I really hoped it wasn't Enrique. While I would forgive him, this time and always, I didn't want to have to have the conversation.
"Someone in this very room."
My gaze shot to where Rita was sitting. The horrified look on my stepmother's face all I needed to know. There was no chance it could have been her anyway.
I wasn't sure whether I wanted to slap or kiss Rita in that moment.
"I'm sure you know what Leo wants. There's a dinner at the palace tomorrow night. If you're going to say yes, then come to it. If you're going to say no... let him be. And never speak of this again. Do you understand?"
I nodded. "Yes. I understand."
"Good. I hope to see you tomorrow." He clicked and motioned towards the guard, sweeping out of the room and leaving me standing there, completely bewildered.