Page 8 of Conflicted (Change 3)
The three of us talk and laugh for the next hour. They told me how Karen is doing in school, and we talk about our non-existent love lives and of my friends. Finally, Karen walks in the door and does a double take when she sees me. “Holy shit, Keith!” She runs over, and I pick her up and hug her the same way I hugged Connie at the airport. “I’m so glad you’re here. It’s been a living nightmare.” I squeeze her hard before I finally put her down.
“Me too.” I don’t say anything else because I don’t want mom to know how awful this has been for the girls. She’s always tried to protect us, and now it’s our turn. “So, listen, I’ve got some running around to do. Connie, can I use your car?” She grabs her purse and throws me the keys.
“Don’t drive like an asshole.” I grin at her and tilt my head.
“No promises.” I walk out the front door with her yelling my name and laughing. Damn, it’s good to be home.
After hours of dealing with the local police, they finally told me that my father would be in jail for quite a while. I need to bring my mom down when she’s up to it to fill out the restraining order, and believe me, I will have her down here as soon as possible. I called Connie to see if mom needed food in the house, so I ended up stopping at the food store. I’m finally on my way back, and I’m going to make them steak and potatoes for dinner.
I park and go into the backseat to start bringing the bags inside. “Hey.” I spin around quickly and scare the shit out of the guy standing here. “Shit, sorry man. I’m Doug, Karen’s boyfriend. You must be Keith.” So, Karen has a boyfriend. Seems they forgot to tell me that. I stick out my free hand to shake his.
“Hey, man, yea, I’m Keith. So, how long have you been dating my baby sister?” He gets a cocky grin, and I immediately think of Young. This prick had better not be anything like Young, I’ll fucking kill him myself.
“We’ve been dating for about two months. She’s the best thing to ever happen to me.” No shit. Any guy would be lucky to get one of my sisters; they just better be the right guy.
“That’s great. Hey, you mind giving me a hand with these groceries?” He jumps right in, grabbing as many bags as possible. I smirk, thinking this guy is trying to impress me. I like that. We get all the bags inside, and when Karen comes out of her room, freshly showered and dressed a bit too revealing for my liking, I shoot her a look. She laughs and kisses my cheek.
“I see you met Doug.” I cock my eyebrow at her, and she laughs harder. She completely ignores it and goes to Doug. They wrap their arms around each other and begin whispering. I can see in their faces that they love each other. I’m so fuckin’ happy for her, yet I feel like she is too young for any of this.
“Hey, big brother, let me help you.” Connie breaks me out of my trance, and we start putting everything away.
“Doug, are you staying for dinner?” Karen pulls out of his arms and looks at me.
“Keith, we had plans tonight. Can we take a rain check?” Even my baby sister has a more exciting love life than I do. I smile and nod.
“Of course. Be careful, and don’t do anything stupid.” She laughs, but I can see Doug is taken back a bit. I mentally high five myself for being able to scare him. Connie looks at me, giggles, and shakes her head. I just smile and finish putting the food away.
It’s been two weeks since Dick left, and I can’t believe how much we all miss him already. We’ve talked to him a few times, but it’s not the same. When the six of us aren’t together, it’s like a member of the family is missing. I’ll be honest, I think him not being here has made things between us much easier, not that we would ever go down that road again, but I don’t know how comfortable it would be when we start seeing someone new. Jeff asked me out to dinner tonight, and I can’t wait. I’ve been attracted to him since the minute I saw him. I met him a few months before Dick and I got together. There has always been a sexual tension between us, but it was something neither of us acted on. When he came into my office earlier and asked if I’d like to have dinner, I felt it, the butterflies. I can’t tell you how long it’s been. This is the reason why I’m glad Dick isn’t around. I would feel like I’m rubbing it in his face. I never want to hurt him.
I finish getting ready and walk into the living room. “Fuck, Becca, this guy is going to have a hard-on all night. You look hot.” I laugh at Maddie, but the compliment feels good.
“Where are you guys going?” I am putting my phone in my purse and turn to look at Kenz, who is busy in the kitchen making dinner.
“He’s taking me to that new sushi restaurant.”
“What? Fucking bitch. Young better take me there soon. I’ve heard amazing things about it.” I walk into the kitchen and lean on the counter.
“Girls, you don’t think it’s too soon, do you?” Maddie walks into the kitchen, and Kenz pulls off her oven mitts.
“Becca, you and Dick had something for a while, but it didn’t work. You don’t need to feel guilty about wanting to see someone else. There is no time limit on when the best time to do that is. If you like this guy and want to see where it goes, there is nothing wrong with that. You have our full support, and you know damn well Dick would be
fine with it too.” I know Kenz is right. I think that sometimes it’s nice to hear that reassurance.
“Bitch, listen. You and Dick weren’t meant to be. It’s time to move on and find Mr. Right. Not to mention, I’m sure it’s been a while since you’ve fucked, so it’s time.” I look at Maddie with wide eyes.
“Damn, Maddie, thanks for breaking it down so nicely for me.” She gives me a hug and laughs.
“Anytime. That’s what I’m here for. So, when sexy-as-sin Jeff gets here, you go have a great time and make sure he puts on a condom.” She and Kenz laugh, and as much as I try not to, I eventually join them.
“Thanks, girls. What would I do without you?”
“Damned if I know.” Maddie has a way with words, just like Young.
I’ve been here two weeks already. Time is going by so quickly. However, I did get a lot done. My mom got the restraining order and called a lawyer about a divorce. I’ve cleaned up outside and done some minor repairs to the house. Inside, I hired a cleaning service, and they came in and cleaned the shit out of it. It looks amazing.
Karen has brought Doug around pretty much every day, and I hate to admit it, but I actually like the guy. He treats her good, he is respectful, and he is funny as hell. He reminds me a lot of Campbell, and that’s a fucking great thing. My mom is doing much better physically, but we’ve talked a few times about how nervous she is for when I leave. I haven’t brought up moving just yet, but I’m going to soon. I’ve been piling enough on her plate.
I figured since my mom and Connie are working and Karen is in school, I would pay a visit to dear old dad. I want him to know I’m here, and it’s not just my mom handling things. He’s always hated me, but since I’ve become a cop, he despises me. I represent everything he hates, and I fucking love it. All my life I wanted him to fear me, and now he does. I’m sure going to see him is not the best idea, but I just need to tell him myself what a worthless piece of shit he is.