Page 9 of Conflicted (Change 3)
I climb into Karen’s car and push the key in the ignition. I throw it into drive and make my way to KT Jail. It’s only a half-hour drive, and I’m there before I know it. I park the car and quickly get out. I have this overwhelming urge to confront him now. I go into the jail and through the metal detectors. Once I’m cleared, I go to the desk where a huge tattooed guy is sitting. “Hey, man. I’m here to see Mitch Dickson.” He looks me over like I’m a piece of shit, and I want to punch him in the throat. “Problem?” He raises his eyebrows, and I do the same.
“You old man Dickson’s kid?” I fucking hate having to admit that I am; every part of me wants to say fuck no, but I don’t.
“Yea.” He nods his head and flips open the sign-in book.
“Real shame about your mama. I’m sorry ‘bout that.” Who the fuck is this guy? How does he know so much about my family?
“I don’t mean to sound rude, but who the hell are you?” He spins the book around for me to sign and grins.
“I’m Harley. I used to hang out with your sister Connie.” I sign my name and look up at him with my eyebrow cocked.
“Oh yea? Well I’m Keith, her cop brother.” He laughs and puts the book away.
“Relax, we only screwed around.” I want to punch this fucking asshole in his mouth talking like that about my sister. I’m going to have a long talk with her when she gets home. If this is the type of guy she is seeing, no wonder she hasn’t found anyone.
“Yea, thanks for that information.” He walks me over to a closed door.
“Go in here, down the hall to the left, and you’ll see the visiting area. Pick whatever phone you want, and he’ll be down shortly.” I just nod my head and open the door. “Hey, Keith?” I turn my head to look at him. “Tell Connie to give me a call sometime.” I turn and let the door slam. Yea, that’s never going to fucking happen.
I make my way to the visiting area and take my seat at a phone. I’m so damn wound up now between my dad and this jerk-off Connie used to screw. What the hell is wrong with her? She’s gorgeous, smart, and funny. She doesn’t need to date guys like Harley. He reminds me of my dad, which really pisses me off. She’s bound to head in the same direction as my mom. This town is toxic for my family. The slamming of a door breaks into my thoughts. I look up and see my dad looking at me with wide eyes. I pick up the phone and point to the seat on the other side of the glass. He looks behind him like someone is going to help him. When he realizes no one is there but him, he slowly makes his way over. He sits down and picks up the phone. “What the hell are you doing here?” My blood starts to boil.
“I thought I’d come pay a visit to my piece of shit, wife-beating daddy. How’s it going, old man?” I see the look of absolute rage in his eyes, and I smirk at him.
“You think you can come here and talk to me like that? I’m your father, God damnit.” I actually laugh at that. He’s got to be fucking kidding.
“You should be thankful we have glass separating us, because if we didn’t, I’d show you just how little respect I have for you.” He stands up and hits the glass. I just tilt my head to the side and smirk again. A guard comes in and tells him to sit down and relax. He angrily sits back down and puts the phone back to his ear.
“What the fuck do you want, Keith?” Seems the fight is leaving the old bastard.
“I just wanted you to know I’m here. I’m here to take care of MY family and to make sure you pay for what you did. I wanted to come and see you just to let you know that once I walk out the door, you are dead to me. You are a fucking coward who never wanted to get help for your drinking problem. You made all of our lives fucking miserable, and from here on out, that changes. You can be damn sure when you get out of here, you will have no one to go home to. Mark my words, old man; I’m the last family member you’ll ever see.” I hang up the phone and get up. He is hitting the glass trying to get me to pick the phone back up. Fuck him. I walk over to the door and right out of it. That will be the last time he ever lays eyes on me.
When I got home, I needed to talk to someone. I had too much anger boiling up inside of me. I sit down on the front porch and call Campbell. “Hey, man, everything alright?” I smile knowing how much they all care about me.
“No, actually, it’s not. I just got back from visiting my dad in jail.” He’s quiet for a minute, and I know he is trying to choose his words carefully.
“Dick, why? Why would you go do that? You are always the levelheaded one. You had to know going in that it was going to be bad.” I blow out a breath and pinch the bridge of my nose.
“Of course, I fucking knew that. I had to do it, Campbell. It was like closure to me. I needed to tell him what a piece of shit he is and that he is dead to me. I wanted him to know I was here.” This time, he blows out a breath, and I am sure he is pacing too.
“Listen, man, I get it alright. I just don’t like the fact that you have to go through this. I wish we could be out there with you.” I laugh and look around. They are better off in New York.
“I know, man. I miss you guys, and I appreciate you worrying, but I had to do it. So, get my mind off this shit. Did you get a ring yet?” I can actually hear the smile in his voice.
“I got it. I’ll text you a picture later. It’s fucking perfect.” I smile. I am so fucking happy for him. That is going to be one kickass wedding.
“Have you decided when and how you’re going to do it?” I get up and go inside to get a bottle of water.
“Remember our first date and the carriage ride?” I gulp down some water and put it on the counter.
“Of course, I think we all remember that.” We both laugh.
“Well, I recreated that for our one-year anniversary, and I’m going to do it again. Only this time, I’m going to have the carriage drop us off in the middle of Central Park where I’ll have a blanket, champagne, and candles all ready.” This son of a bitch is so romantic.
“Campbell, she is going to love that. When are you doing it?” My heart starts to sink because I know it will happen while I’m gone. I fucking
wish I could be there to celebrate with them.
“In two weeks. I’m sorry, Dick, but I had to do it while the weather was still warm and when I could get it all set up.”