Page 54 of Renegade
A smile hits my lips the second the thought enters my mind. When he told me he loved me the first time, it was like my entire world changed. I was looking into his blue eyes and I’d never seen something so truthful and honest in all my life. I knew at that very moment, no one had ever loved me, not like Fitz. I didn’t say it back because he said it though, I said it back because it’s real. I love him more than I’ve ever loved another person, more than I’ve ever loved anything. He changed me, made me realize who I was meant to be and that person is who I am now.
“Brooklyn?” Poppy yells, knocking on our door. Thankfully, we’ve spent the last few days in a hotel, because I needed a bed and full sized bathroom.
Snapping out of my thoughts, I unlock the door and she comes in. “What’s up?”
“Did I let you borrow my gold shoes? I can’t fucking find them,” she says, heading into the bedroom.
I follow behind and pull them out of the closet, handing them to her. “Christ, what is wrong with you lately? It’s like you can’t remember your head from your ass.” She looks at me all expression leaving her face and sits down on the bed. I sit next to her, obviously concerned now and wrap my arm around her. “What’s wrong?”
She covers her face and starts to cry. It’s foreign to me, I’ve never seen Poppy cry or even remotely sad before. She’s always been grab life and run with it. I just let her cry it out and when she wipes her eyes, she looks up at me, makeup running down her face. “I think I’m pregnant.” My eyes nearly pop out of my head and my mouth drops open. I’m stunned speechless. She shakes her head and stands up. “Thanks, that’s the exact reaction I was going for,” she whispers and starts to walk away.
“Hey, wait,” I yell and gently grab her by the arm.
She turns her head and gives me a meek smile. “Nate’s going to leave me.”
I pull her into a hug and she once again starts to cry. “Poppy, there is no way Nate is going to leave you if you’re pregnant. The way he looks at you, the way he holds you, he adores you.” I pull back a little so she can see my face. “He loves you Poppy.”
She shakes her head and wipes her eyes. “I know he loves me Brooklyn, that’s not it.” She walks out into the living room and I follow. Sitting down on the couch she blows out a breath. “He doesn’t want kids, ever.”
I give her a confused look and sit next to her. “How do you know that?”
“Christ Brooklyn, we’ve talked about it. He doesn’t want them. He lives the rock star life and kids get in the way of that,” she yells.
“I don’t think he’s said that,” I say, raising my eyebrows.
She closes her eyes and a tear falls. “He had a horrible childhood and he doesn’t want to bring kids into this world. He thinks he’ll turn into his parents and fuck, I’m afraid he might.”
I rest my head on her shoulder and hold her hand. “I’m never the one to say this, but you’re worrying too much.” She looks over at me and we both laugh. “If you are pregnant, I think Nate will be an amazing father.”
“I’ll be a shitty mom. I mean what could I possibly teach a child? How to drink its weight in alcohol?” she asks and I need to bite my lip to keep from laughing.
“Knock it off. Look how amazing you’ve been with me, that’s how fabulous you’ll be with a baby. Did you take a test yet?” I ask, getting up to grab her some tissues.
“No, I’m late.” She takes the tissues from me blotting each eye.
“Well, I guess we need to clean you up and run to the store.”
“I can’t go to the store, the guys will be back from sound check soon and once they are I need to be around to keep shit going,” she says, going into the bathroom to clean herself up.
I go into the bedroom and change my clothes, grab my purse and walk over to the bathroom. “Fine, I’ll go for you, but you better believe you are taking it as soon as I get back. I don’t give a shit if the guys are here or not.”
She gives me a huge hug and thanks me over and over, before we both walk out of the room. My body guard, Will, is standing in the hallway and I smile at him. “Going somewhere Miss Adler?”
“I need to go to the drug store, I don’t think it’s necessary to tag along,” I say, suddenly realizing that I can’t let anyone see me buying the test. I don’t want to explain Poppy’s situation before she talks to Nate about it.
“It’s necessary, come on,” he says, following me down the hallway.
There is a car waiting out front and I get in the back, Will climbing in the front. I tell the driver to find the closest drug store and he pulls away. My thoughts drift back to Poppy. She’s so scared and that is not like her, but I think until she takes this test she needs to try to relax. Maybe she’s late because of stress or something. I start to wonder what she would do if she really is pregnant. Would she still be able to manage the band? Would she still tour with them or would she stay home with the baby? It definitely is a lot to think about and changes both her and Nate’s world.
The car stopping breaks my thoughts and I see we are here. Will opens my door and I thank him and walk inside. I look around until I see the aisle that would have the pregnancy tests. I grab a bunch of different ones and Will looks at me with wide eyes.
“It’s for a friend,” I say.
“No need to explain anything to me Miss Adler,” he says, folding his arms.
Fuck, he definitely thinks these are for me. I rush to the register and drop them all down, now fearful that someone else will think the same thing. As the cashier is ringing up the tests, I reach into my purse and put my sunglasses on. She tells me the total and I pay with cash, before thanking her and rushing out of there.
The ride back is fast, but I can’t help but worry that now Will thinks I’m the one taking these tests. That’s why Poppy didn’t want to go, she knew someone would see her and ask questions, damn it. We pull up to the hotel and Will opens my door and follows me back up to my room. I have no idea if the guys are back yet and I’m really hoping they aren’t considering I have a bag full of pregnancy tests. Opening the door, I poke my head in looking around. I don’t see any sign of Fitz, so I rush into the bedroom and hide the tests under the bed.