Page 55 of Renegade
I go back out into the living room, grab my phone and call Poppy. “Hey,” she answers.
“Hey, get over here. I bought you a bunch of tests, which by the way, Will thinks are for me,” I say. She starts laughing and I shake my head. “It’s not funny, bitch.”
“It’s hy
sterical, but I can’t come take them now. The guys will be back here in a few minutes and I don’t want to do it with Nate around. We can do it tomorrow before we leave,” she says.
“Glad I rushed out for you. Fine, but you better bet your ass you’ll be here pissing on these in the morning.” Before she can reply, Fitz walks in the door. “Alright, I’ll see you later.”
Fitz, leans down and presses his lips to mine. He’s sweaty from sound check, but it makes me just want him more. “Hey, baby.”
“Hi. How was sound check?” I ask as he opens a water, guzzling half of it down.
“Good.” He sits next to me and I lay my head on his shoulder. “I can’t believe this is our final show,” he says and looks down at me. “You’re coming back to New York with me right?”
This has been an ongoing conversation and I don’t know what to do. I mean I want to go to New York with him, but I’m paying for a house I’m never in anymore. An idea hit me a while back I just wasn’t a hundred percent sure. However looking into his eyes seeing the reflection of love they show I know I’m doing the right thing. I smile at him, sitting up and twisting to look at him. “You know, California just isn’t doing it for me anymore,” I start and a huge smile takes over his face. “So, what do you think of this. I sell my house and get a place in New York.”
He climbs on top of me, forcing me to lay down. Grinning down at me he presses a sweet kiss to my lips. “I like the idea of you selling your house, but I don’t like the idea of you getting your own place. Move in with me.”
“Oh Fitz, it’s such an enticing offer, but I don’t know. We’ve only officially been together for almost two months,” I say, reaching my hand up and tracing his lips.
He sucks my finger into his mouth and when I let out a sigh, he nips it. I pull it out of his mouth and he shakes his head. “Brooklyn, we may only have put a label on us two months ago, but I’ve been yours since the second I saw you. I’m not going anywhere that is a promise I will always keep.”
My heart beat speeds up with just the possibility of living together. I’m not sure it’s a good idea, but nothing I’ve done in the last few months has been and look where I’m at now. I shrug my shoulders and smile. “I guess I need to contact a realtor.”
“Don’t fuck with me, Brooklyn. My heart can’t take it.” He brushes his lips against mine and I close my eyes. “You’ll move in with me?”
I slowly open my eyes and I respond with my heart. “Yes.”
He grabs ahold of me and stands up, holding me close. My legs wrap around his waist and he squeezes my ass and crashes his mouth to mine. I run my hands into his hair and he swallows down my moans. Breaking the kiss he rests his forehead on mine. “God, I fucking love you. I promise you, you will never regret this.”
I believe him.
The final concert is over, the last party has been had and I am sitting in the living room waiting for Poppy to come these this tests before the guys wake up. It’s early as hell and I’m exhausted from drinking, dancing and some hot hotel sex last night. Fitz made me come over and over telling me that it was just the beginning of what it will be like when I move in with him.
A light tap on the door has me jumping up. I open it and Poppy sneaks in, wearing one of Nate’s t-shirts. “We need to hurry. Nate is a light sleeper,” she says, rushing to the bathroom.
I pull out the bag from under the couch, bringing it into the bathroom and dump all the tests out. Hoping we get this done before Fitz notices I’ve left the bed. “I hope you have a full bladder because you need to pee on all of these,” I say with a light giggle.
I turn to walk out and she grabs my arm. “Where the fuck are you going?”
“I’m going to wait in the living room until you are done.”
“No, you can’t leave. Please, just lock the door and stay.” I raise my eyebrows and she blows out a breath. “Please Brooklyn. I’m scared.”
I hug her close and run my hand down her hair. “I won’t go anywhere.”
She pees on all the tests and it looks like a damn lab with all of them lined up on the sink. She is pacing and chewing on her nails. “How much longer?”
I look at my phone and up at her. “It’s only been a minute, we have two more.”
“Holy fuck. This is the longest three minutes of my life,” she says, sitting on the edge of the bathtub, chewing her fingernails while her knee bounces up and down.
I sit on the closed toilet lid and hold her hand. “I know, but I’m right here with you.”
Neither of us say another word and she wasn’t kidding three minutes this morning feels like hours. I never realized how long time seems, but when you are waiting to see if your life will forever change, it feels like a lifetime.