Page 40 of Not Kissing Nick
Right where she belonged.
He wasn't about to let her get away.
Hell, maybe he should have risked it all those years ago.
Just taken her with him and figured it out as they went along. But Nick had never been one for focusing on regrets.
But…they had their shot now. He was going to take it.
"I thought about taking you with me, you know."
"Years ago. When that asshole Gunderson was giving you so much trouble. And I couldn't breathe right every single time you looked at me. I thought about taking you with me when I left after my leave ended. I just didn't think you were ready for a relationship like that—me gone on deployment all the time, and you left alone on a military base as young as you were. And I didn't want you to feel like you were stuck with me, if it didn't work out. Just to get away from Gunderson."
She didn't say anything for a long time. He was half afraid he'd scared her off. "Robin?"