Page 41 of Not Kissing Nick
Robin just sat there in the rocking chair by her daughter’s window, rocking steadily, her earbuds in so she could talk and rock at the same time. He meant it. "I thought you weren’t interested in me back then. Totally devastated me, by the way. But you were right—I wasn't ready for that kind of relationship then. Emotionally. I was still just a kid. I think I saw you as safe, too."
Apparently, it was time for baring the soul. She adjusted Becky's blanket over her tiny back as she remembered those days so long ago. "I think—besides the fact that you were the hottest guy in Masterson back then, no sense lying about it—I kissed you because I did feel safe with you. Deep down."
"Ouch. That doesn't help my ego, babe. At least, it wouldn't have back then. I used to think I was hot shit back then."
"No kidding. I can see where it wouldn't." A smile touched her lips. "You were a bit on the arrogant side back then. And wild. Crushing on you felt so dangerous. I had never truly rebelled before. How could I? Phil and Becky were right there for me every day, and I knew it."
"I want my kids to feel that way about me."
"Me, too." She could hear the longing for that in his tone. Nick…Nick was taking being a father seriously, because he cared about his kids. Not like Doug—Doug had just wanted to possess. It had taken her a long time to recognize that. Her hand smoothed her daughter's strawberry-blond curls. "You're going to be a great daddy, Nicholas. Don't doubt that."
"I hope so." He paused for a moment. She could imagine him, stretched out over the blankets she’d had Martin buy him, his phone to his ear, and nothing on but a pair of basketball shorts. All that male perfection would be right there, just waiting for a woman to touch. Damn him. He was seriously getting her all twisted up. "So...can I ask my secretary an entirely inappropriate question?"
She hesitated. She hadn't really thought of him as her boss since the day he’d gotten the kids.
He would always be just Nick to her.
No matter if she was filing his paperwork or doing something entirely different. "I suppose. I'm going to have to go soon, though. Becky is getting heavy, and I need to get to bed."
"Oh." He sounded disappointed. "So...I probably shouldn't ask you what you're wearing, huh?"
She laughed quietly. It was such a Nick kind of question. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Pajamas the kids had given her for her birthday—complete with frolicking puppies all over them. Not exactly sexy enough to tempt one of the hottest men in Masterson County. But they showed exactly who she was now.
A mom. And that was what mattered. But his question gave her a thrill, no doubt about that. A mom, yes—but like Rory had said before, Robin was still a woman, too.
Nick made her remember that.
"Silk? I have imagined you in ice-blue silk so many times over the last two weeks. I'm going to start drooling again."
"Nick!" Heat hit her cheeks. She never would have imagined him saying this. No man had ever flirted with her as blatantly as this one.He’d said more wicked things to her over the last three phone calls than Doug had said during their entire marriage.
Robin never knew what to say in return.
"Too soon? I won't tell you what else I've imagined, then."
"You, sir...are uncontrollable. And need a keeper."
"Only if you're signing on for that job."
Becky fussed in her arms. "She’s waking. I need to—"
"Yeah, me, too. I might see you at church Sunday. I've come to a decision where you are concerned, by the way. Consider this your first warning."
"Warning for what?"
"I'm coming after you, Robin Patton. You'd better be prepared. We're going to finish what you started twenty years ago. I’m going to get you exactly where I’ve imagined having you. I just need to find appropriate childcare first. Have any ideas?"
"Nick—hang on." She stood quickly and put her daughter in her bed. "Someone's knocking at my front door."
"Stay on the line with me, babe." His voice turned serious. "It's too late for someone to be knocking on your door. If you need me, I can wake Noah, let him know I’m on my way over there for a few minutes."
"I’m ok. But…I’m definitely not hanging up. Just in case. I don’t know who it would be—unless it’s Glenna or Phil."
It was after midnight. No one should be at her door.