Page 42 of Not Kissing Nick
Robin hurried down the hall.
She peeked out the window, then exhaled. "It's ok, Nick. It's...just my friend Rory, and she has a bag in her hands. I have to go. She didn’t tell me she was coming to Wyoming.”
"Good night then, babe. I'll see you soon. You can count on that. And…call if you need me. For any reason."
He disconnected.
Robin threw open the door. "What on earth are you doing here? I didn't know you were in Wyoming."
"I got in around nine last night. I've...been at the inn this entire time."
Rory was good friends with one of the Talley girls, who she’d worked with for several years in the forensics department of the TSP. They'd probably driven up from Finley Creek together and spent the day doing whatever it was that had brought Rory here. But showing up at 12:08 a.m. wasn’t exactly Rory’s way of doing things at all. She would have called first. "Doing what? Get inside. It's pouring down rain."
"I think I may have just done the stupidest thing I've done in a really, really long time. Well, at least since I married Keaton the Cheatin', anyway."
Robin winced. She knew what the date was, of course. She’d tried to call Rory and check on her earlier.
Rory's ex-anniversary. Rory had loved that idiot Keaton Price a great deal. She still loved Keaton. Robin would bet her house on it. But being married to Keaton after what he kept doing to her had destroyed Rory’s soul. "What did you do?"
"I slept with the one man I never should have ever looked twice at. Just because I felt alone. I spent the entire last twenty-four hours in his room at the inn. Doing things I’m never going to think about again. While his daughter was in Cheyenne with her cousin picking out bridesmaid dresses for that upcoming wedding everyone is talking about. While Charlotte was trusting that I was here with you, I was boinking her dad instead. The dad she despises, by the way. What am I going to do?"
Robin just stared at her best friend like a total idiot. Trying to decipher Rory-speak to get to the heart of what had happened. "Who are we talking about here? Who have you been boinking?”
"I slept with a man I was not—nor ever have been—married to, for the first time in my life. A man I don't even like.” Rory voice rose a bit with the panic. She pulled in a deep breath and almost whispered. “A man I work with every single day. And...his daughter is my third closest friend—after you and Glenna, anyway."
Robin blinked. Never would she have expected this. Rory...Rory didn't sleep with random men. Ever. She hadn't even slept with Keaton before their wedding night. Robin suspected that was one reason the man had rushed Rory to the alter as quickly as he had. "Oh."
"Yeah. I don't know what to do next."
“First, take a shower in the master bath. You and I—we’re going to talk.”