Page 93 of Craving Justice
“True, but with all respect, I’ll discuss that with Seth.”
Harper had to hand it to Lincoln, his tone was calm, and his choice of words non-combative. She glanced over at Jinx, who gave her big eyes back. Her friend didn’t intrude, but Harper was glad Jinx was close, just in case she was needed.
A rush of street noise signaled the café’s door opening. She turned and caught her breath. Seth’s eyes, two bright blue chips set in a hard face, were fixed on Lincoln. The black shirt and dress pants he wore lent an air of menace matched by the tension that held his shoulders stiff. He stalked over to their awkwardly assembled group and stopped three feet from Lincoln. “I asked you to give me time.”
“I did. I came to see Harper, not you.”
“Don’t fuck with me, Lincoln. You chose here because you knew I’d come.”
“A side benefit.” Seth’s younger brother let out a soft breath. “Seth, I’m not going away, nor am I going to sit quietly in a hotel room and wait for your call. I wanted to see Harper’s café.”
“This is her place of business. Harper doesn’t need to worry about people turning up and complicating her day.”
“He didn’t,” Harper rushed out. “Seth, Lincoln just wanted to talk, and I wanted to hear what he had to say.”
Seth swung his gaze on her. “So you had a nice conversation?”
Anger sliced through her at the faint hint of accusation in his voice. Oh, no. He wasn’t making her feel bad for being polite.
“I listened. That’s all.” She held his stare, saw the muscle work in his jaw. Yes, Seth was coping with a lot right now, but that didn’t give him the right to take his frustration out on her. She’d done nothing wrong. “Everyone deserves to be heard when it’s over something so important as family.”
Seth stared at her for a long time before he heaved a deep sigh. The anger that had hardened his features earlier drained away, but his gaze was guarded. When he spoke next, his voice was calmer, but still firm. “Fair point.” He faced Lincoln again. “You’ve met Harper, spoken to her. Now you’re done here for today.” When Lincoln opened his mouth, Seth lifted a hand to stop him. “Lincoln, please, if you want us to have a chance, you need to give me the time I asked for.”
“Fine.” But the younger brother wasn’t leaving with his head bowed. “But, Seth, I waited for you to turn up today for two reasons. I wanted to see you again.” He swallowed, and Harper’s throat tightened at the repressed longing in his voice. “And I also wanted you to see that I wouldn’t run away from your anger. I’m not some sneaky kid; I’m an adult. If you need to confront me or challenge me, go for it. I don’t hide in the shadows.”
Harper studied Seth, caught the way his shoulders relaxed. He’d taken Lincoln’s words at face value and not dismissed them. That was a good sign. A small one, but still…
Lincoln’s mouth lifted at one corner. “Nice to finally meet you, Harper.”
“You too,” she said softly.
He nodded to Dillon and Rebecca before leaving the café.
The silence stretched out to almost painful levels. Dillon ended up breaking the moment. “Harper, I didn’t get to properly introduce you to Rebecca. She’s an architect. Her employer has an office in our building.”
Harper didn’t miss the way his gaze warmed as he took in the woman in her late twenties. She stretched out her hand and smiled. “Great to have you at Seven Dishes, Rebecca.”
Rebecca returned her handshake and smile. “Dillon’s told me a lot about you. I’ve tried your coffee and pastries, but this is my first time eating in.”
“Then let’s get you a table.” She waved to Louis, who stuffed his pad in his apron and walked over. “Our best table, Louis.”
The college student grinned and led Rebecca and Dillon away, not before Seth clapped his brother on the shoulder in what Harper guessed was a gesture of thanks for staying with her until he arrived.
“I’m sorry for Lincoln’s intrusion.”
She turned back at the sound of Seth’s voice.
“Seth, you don’t have to apologize.” She gently grasped his hand, feeling a surge of relief when he squeezed back. “Let’s sit for a sec, huh?”
He nodded, and they sat at the same table she’d shared with Lincoln.
Was he hungry? “Do you want some lunch?”
“No,” He rubbed the back of his neck and stretched his back. “Thanks anyway.” His mouth tweaked in a fleeting smile. “What did Lincoln say?”
“That he wanted to meet me, see where I worked, and all he wanted was a chance to get to know you again.” She spread her hands on the table. “The part about meeting me and seeing my café was I’m sure his way of knowing more about you. Getting closer to you.”
Seth looked down at her hands, “Did he ask you anything personal?”