Page 94 of Craving Justice
“He asked if I would block him from getting to know you.” She waited as Seth’s raised his gaze to hers. “I told him I wanted what’s best for you, and that I’d respect your wishes.” She turned the saltshaker with one finger. Here comes the tricky bit. “And that you getting to know him could be a good thing if handled properly.”
“Maybe.” Seth’s tone was cautious.
Her gaze flew up to meet his. “Family can be a precious thing, Seth.” Letting out a breath, she sank back into her seat. “I stressed to Lincoln that he needed to be patient. Pushing himself into the picture wasn’t going to bring you around.”
“Harper,” he looked heavenward before focusing back at her. “I don’t need you encouraging him.”
“I wasn’t, honey. I simply gave him a chance to be heard.”
“Okay, let’s leave it at that.” He scraped his chair back on the wooden floor, the jarring sound amplifying the tension she felt building like a personal Berlin Wall between them. “I’m pissed he turned up, and I’m taking it out on you, which is a shitty move on my part. I apologize for that. But, Harper,” He leaned forward, his tone urgent. “Right now, with some fucker out there striking at us left and right, and me and my brothers trying to out-guess the bastard, Lincoln is not my focus. I need to know you understand that and back me up.”
“Seth, I’m totally behind your choices.” How much clearer could she make her support for him? “Just because I think exploring a relationship with Lincoln could be a good thing, doesn’t mean I’m not there for you.”
He nodded, but the tension once more holding his shoulders stiff signaled he wasn’t in the frame of mind to listen.
What did that mean for their plans later? “Are you staying the night?”
“No.” He sighed when she looked off toward the other tables. “It’s not because of what just happened. I got a call just before Nitro rang. Adam has some intel on one of the posts he wants to share with Heath and me this evening. We may finally have a solid lead.”
“A name?” This is the first sign of a breakthrough.
“I don’t know. Adam was cryptic in what he shared.” Seth shrugged. “Except to say we’ll be out until late.”
The words telling him to wake her at any time were on the tip of her tongue, but the finality in Seth’s voice stopped her cold.
Not tonight.
She rose from the table. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
“Let’s play it by ear. I don’t know how things are going to develop with Adam. When he’s on the trail of a target, all plans are up in the air.”
“Right.” She went to move to the counter, but was stopped by Seth’s body blocking her way. His thumb and forefinger gripped her chin, and forced her gaze up.
“Harper, we’ll get through this mess.” He studied her face, his brow creasing. “Things are crazy right now, but I’ll see you tomorrow sometime, I promise.”
“Okay, Seth. Don’t worry.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him, sliding her hand in his hair and guiding his head down. Pouring all her feelings into the kiss, she pressed hard, nipped and sucked, wanting him to feel her, to feel her commitment to him. She couldn’t explain the sense of desperation that drove her, teared at her confidence. But if he didn’t believe her commitment to stand by him with Lincoln, then how would they survive bigger challenges?
Seth wrapped his fingers around her wrists and eased her arms down as he stepped back. She held her breath, feeling like he was stepping away from more than just a kiss. He lifted one of her hands to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. “I’ll call.”
Not trusting her voice, she nodded and watched as he walked out of the café. When she turned toward the counter, she caught Dillon watching her from his table. It wasn’t the pensive expression on his face that worried her, but the sadness in his gaze.
What could he see that she couldn’t?
* * *
Seth followed Adam through the door of the coffee house in West Seattle. His gaze swept the largish room, with its mood lighting and woodgrain interior. At the far side, he saw Heath sitting at a table with three coffees in front of him.
He nodded to Heath as he and Adam sat.
“Three Americanos. Large.” Heath pushed two of the takeaway cups toward him and Adam.
“Don’t tell Harper I drank the competition’s coffee.” Seth frowned as Adam’s expression hardened but said nothing. What had crawled up Adam’s arse now?
The commando pushed his cup aside and opened his laptop. “I traced the credit card post and the one on Dillon to the wifi at this café.” He clicked on his keyboard. “The hacker’s trail wasn’t as elaborate as with the other occurrences, but was still convoluted enough to dissuade most would-be sleuths.”
“You think the hacker’s getting lazy?” Seth tapped his fingers against the warm cardboard of the cup.
“Or the person who hired the hacker decided to save some money and do this job himself.” Adam shrugged. “I gained access to the tapes from the café’s security cameras.”