Page 29 of Restless Omega
Chapter Thirteen
I've got everything all set, ready for me to sneak away tonight and my beta friend will pick me up on the outskirts of town, while Rose will cover for me, claiming I went into a sudden heat and am requesting to be left alone.
I'll only be gone for twenty-four hours, so it should be fine and I can sneak back and shack up safely in my rooms until the appropriate amount of time for a heat passes, which is usually at minimum, three days. And that's if you have alphas to help you through it, but I doubt there will be too many questions if I end it after three days.
I'm on edge all day as I go about my usual behavior, not wanting to raise anyone's suspicions. The entire time I'm in the library, I can't focus at all. Especially around Oliver.
He hovers a lot, eyeing me when he thinks I'm not paying attention. But all my instincts are screaming, and I don't lose myself in my work like I usually do.
Not even my novel holds my attention.
My stomach churns and tightens with each passing moment, the tick of the clock behind my usual table echoing through my brain. This is the first time I've tried something like this. Usually, I stay behind the relative safety of a keyboard.
But I cannot miss this rally.
Even if it ends with me caught and shipped back to my mother in disgrace.
Though I really fucking hope it doesn't come down to that.
But the assholes in the OCP don’t fuck around, and this rally stands against everything the program stands for. I won't be easily forgiven if I'm found there.
The rest of the day drags, but it's finally late enough that I can pack up and go back to my rooms without arousing suspicion. I duck my head and sneak out so Oliver doesn't stop me and ask me any questions. Especially about the rally. I'm so wound up, I may explode in his face, telling him everything.
I still have no idea if he's going to the rally too, but if he is, hopefully we won't run into each other.
Rose is waiting for me back at the omega housing with dinner in her rooms. "I got pasta. I need carbs for my anxiety."
I laugh and accept the bowl of chicken broccoli fettuccine. "Carbs sound perfect right now. Thank you for doing this."
She sighs. “I wish I had the courage to go with you."
I shake my head as I sit across from her. “You're doing more than enough. If we both disappeared at the same time, it would be way more suspicious."
She harrumphs, playing with her food instead of eating it. “True."
I kick her ankle. “Don't put your neck out for me. Claim I said I wanted to be left alone, and that I have plenty of water and groceries and you haven't seen me. That way if I get caught, they hopefully won't know you lied."
Rose scowls. “I’m not worried about me. This rally... have you seen the message boards about the counter protesters? It could get ugly."