Page 30 of Restless Omega
"I'll be careful. And Trix will be with me. She'll get us out of there before things get too bad. I have to do this."
"I know. She’s a badass. Are you nervous about hearing your words spoken at the event?"
I rub my chest. “A little. But less so than if they'd expect me to speak instead. I definitely prefer writing to speaking."
She snorts. ”Yeah. Maybe at the next rally, we can go together. Maybe I'll be ready then."
I doubt she'll go to any of it. She believes in the cause, but fighting back just isn't in her, and that's okay. She has to do what's best for her first. I don't blame her at all.
We chat idly, a thick tension between us as we wait for night to fall. It's sweet of her to keep me company, but I'd almost prefer being alone in my nest so I could try to doze for a couple hours.
But finally the time arrives and my phone chirps, letting me know Trix is in position.
After I message her back, I stand, smiling at Rose. "This is it."
She throws her arms around me in a fierce hug. "Please don't get arrested or tasered or gassed or killed. Stay safe and be careful."
I pat her as I hug her back. “I’ll do my best. Message me if there are any problems on the invisible chat, and remember to keep up pretenses in our regular texts so there's proof later."
She sniffs. “Will do."
I finally extricate myself from her and slip from her room, bag slung over my shoulder.
The building is quiet as I sneak down the steps, watching out for the creak in the one three from the bottom. Once I make it outside, it's easy to slip through shadows and alleys, sticking away from the main streets of the town. It's a pretty quiet place, all things considered, most of the shops closing by dinnertime.
Small town life is wonderful and slow and quiet. I definitely enjoy this sort of living instead of life in the cities.
Maybe one day, I can settle down in one like this if I ever get tired of seeing as much of this world as possible. Especially if there's a library like the one here. The place still hasn't gotten old, the wonder hasn't worn off.
I leave the town and the pretty fairy lights filling the trees and storefronts behind, aiming for the outskirts of town, past the auto parts shops and old gas stations and industrial buildings.
And there I find Trix waiting for me in the gloom and shadows, leaning casually against her bike with crossed arms and a smirk when she catches sight of me.
A massive grin takes up my face and I hurry my steps until I'm all but jogging towards her. She meets me halfway with spread open arms and a laugh as I slam into her.
Her warm, familiar scent of tobacco and vanilla wraps around me, soothing something anxious inside of me.