Page 51 of Restless Omega
Chapter Twenty-Two
I MAKE MY EXCUSES TO Oliver, ignoring his questions and worries as I grab my shit and get the hell out of there.
What the fuck am I going to do?
Everything is closing in on me, making it hard for me to breathe. It's all too much. No matter which direction I turn, I'm fucked. All because I wrote a few essays about omega rights? It's not like I called for alphas to be stripped of theirs, though with the way they wield the power they have, maybe I should've.
If my mother shows up here, she'll have me bitten and bonded to the shittiest alpha in town by the end of the week. Whatever it takes to both punish me, and to prove that she still has control over her wayward omega daughter. My mother hates nothing more than being humiliated. If I ever find out who doxxed me, I'm going to track them down and slit their throat while they sleep. Fucking prick keyboard warrior.
It's probably some limpdick alpha who can't get an omega to give him a second glance, and he places the entire blame on the omegas instead of his own weaknesses, unable to fathom why he's alone.
Still no messages from anyone else, giving me no idea if getting out of the country will even be possible at all. I need to figure out a way to stall my mother once she's here, along with the alphas from the program, just to buy myself some time to figure out my next move.
With my luck, they'll choose whoever tagged my fucking door to be my alpha. Mother will want someone who will put me in my place, someone she considers a strong alpha, but who is in fact weak, insecure in themself so they need to put others down. Just like her.
I'm half tempted to call Trix, and have her come for me and just escape on the back of her bike. We can find a small cabin in the middle of nowhere, and fill it with books and I can hide out there for the rest of my life. I'm fairly good at keeping plants alive and can just live off the land, hidden away from all contact. Trix can visit me to get me through my heats. It wouldn't be the best life, but better than being bonded to a piece of shit alpha.
A burly and hairy male alpha steps out into my way, firing me to skid to a halt so I don’t slam into him.
He’s puffed and growling, glaring down at me like he wants to rip me in half. “Hey, aren't you the omega who has so many opinions?”
Shit, I shouldn’t have taken the shortcut back to the omega housing.
I slip my hand into my pocket for my new bottle of pepper spray. “Well, I certainly have opinions. Most people do, even omegas."
"Maybe instead of opinions, omegas like you should focus more on knots. That'll shut you up."
Why does every offended alpha have to talk about their knot or fist and how they plan to use it as a weapon of dominance?
I shoot him a nasty grin, just fucking done with the day. “If the omegas you're knotting are silent, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you're doing something wrong."
He snarls, stomping closer, looming above me. “Fuck you, bitch."
I refuse to cower or back away, glaring up into his beady eyes, sliding the pepper spray out of my pocket. “How original. I've never been told that before. Do alphas like you share one brain cell or something?"
I can't seem to shut my mouth. Maybe it's just because I'm so fucking fed up, but I can't just take it, mouth closed and shoulders hunched. Not anymore. I just can't. Fuck all these alphaholes. Just fuck them.